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Thursday, February 3, 2011

There are high heels and then there are high heels

If you thought my heels were high, take a trip to London. These women sport eight-inch heels as ordinary day wear! Gawking through Liberty's, Selfridge's and other snooty shops in my unspeakably hideous boot/shoes, I marvelled at the physical prowess these fashion mavens demonstrated navigating ailes, floors and escalators. And the rail-thin sales girls obviously have to teeter in them all day. But no matter. Fashion still rules in London and it all starts with the shoes. Now, that is one rule I have always followed. Shoes first, then earrings and accessories so the blank torso in-between doesn't really matter. (And face it, that torso in the nether region is one depressing expanse most of us mirred in middle age want to hide. Thank G-d I don't have cankles!)

Hadn't realized just how many pairs of footwear I possessed until we moved a few years ago and I counted them. 75 pairs. Still wear them all. Face it, shoes make or break the outfit. A pair of jeans with sneakers is not the same outfit as a pair with sandals or a pair with heels. Went to a winter party a few years ago and the sensible hostess asked us to remove our shoes. Whaaaaaat??!!??!! Never.

But sad-to-say, young female Londoners mostly smoke. Walking the streets, sitting outside cafes, they smoke. The other fashion taken up are skin-tight trousers under mini-skirts, anchored by stilletos. Watch for that look soon. One gorgeous BBC World TV reporter had that outfit on the other day while interviewing an important male about something pressing. Her outfit prevents me from remembering who he was or what he did. Couldn't get over the pants.
Dining tales later.

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