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Friday, December 16, 2011

No one cares

Has anyone been receiving those hideous cards with pictures of the senders on the front and a narcissistic recitation of what they have done -- or not -- over the past year? I absolutely can't abide them. Like we care. Please.

To put it bluntly, we all have kids, we all have pets, we have all gone somewhere over the past year, we have all moved, we have all re-decorated, we have all had a grandkid, we have all had health issues, we have all rediscovered something....I mean what is so special about people who send photos of themselves with a litany of highs and lows of the past year to people they hardly talk to?

I find it mind-numbing, boring and audacious in the extreme. It's Christmas, folks. Why send a photo of yourselves to celebrate the birth of Christ? Ludicrous and unbridled hubris spring to mind.

I remember one year saying to B, "I think I will write one myself, describing how many times I picked up after my dog, how many meals I cooked, how many laundry loads I did, how many toilets I cleaned, how many beds I made, how many times I schlepped the garbage to the chute, how many bosses I endured, how many evenings I was totally exhausted from my ridiculous day...." My husband told me not to do this because, he explained, the people who send you litanies of their year actually believe you want to read about them! They are supremely confident that their year was much more important than yours. Get out of your chairs, folks.

What is galling is that B and I are never featured in their Chaucer's Tales -- even if we had spent time with the self-involved scribes. I mean, if we are sufficiently unimportant as to be edited out of your Annual Yawn Report, don't add insult to injury by sending it us.

1 comment:

  1. I like hearing about what other people are up to! And I definitely like seeing pictures of people, it's human nature.
