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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The reason we are here has arrived!

Well, Reed Thomas McArthur has finally made his entrance. It's hard to believe that this 8 lb. 11 oz. little fellow has so much power! Afterall, he is the reason we uprooted our lives and moved to Calgary. Grandparent is now my main job, that's the bottom line from here on in. What a Christmas this will be, getting to know this little man. Here he is, about three hours old, heading home with Daddy and Mummy to his new life in Cochrane.

When I had Susanne, I never imagined I would follow her to Alberta to be a grandma. I can remember her birth at the now-demolished Grace Hospital in Ottawa -- the same hospital in which I was born. Things were different then, you stayed in the hospital a few days and only met your baby at feeding time. Now it's up and out the door in a few hours so you can get acquainted on home turf.

Poor Pearl. Used to being the centre of attention, this dear little puppy is completely bewildered. What is this creature?! What is it doing in my house?? When will it leave! Better be soon so we can get back to normal. And when Reed cries, Pearl is dismayed. What is this bizarre noise? I certainly don't like it.

Better get used to it Pearl. This is your new family unit. Just wait until Reed gets bigger; then he will be your best friend.

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