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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Some swims are better than others

This morning at the pool, I shared the lane with a man in his forties who was doing his sets, reading his lap requirements after every couple of laps and being very serious indeed. Warming up, I was not that fast, so he made the usual assumption that I was an old broad he would just have to annoyingly swim around. Until I got to my fast laps. I let him go ahead a half-pool length and then started out. But soon on his heels, I overtook him and we finished neck and neck at the other end. But could he bring himself to let me go ahead? Not on your life, just could not give way. Off he shoved and tried to get away from me, but again, I passed him and finished way ahead at the other end.

"Oh, sorry about that," he said. "I didn't see you." Please. You just could not bear to have an older woman beat you. After that he was careful, but clearly irritated. I, on the other hand, was grateful because he made me swim faster than I usually do. One of the cute female lifeguards, who loves to chat, came over and said, "Boy, you really cleaned him, good for you." Score one for the old broads.

As he got out of the pool, he voiced his displeasure by saying, "Well, I'm done, so you can have it all to yourself." "Great, thanks," I smiled in reply. The funniest part is how patronizing he had been when I first joined him in the lane. We exchanged pleasantries and he said, "You're certainly better than 98% of people your age, coming out to swim regularly." "I try," I replied. And off he confidently swam.

I have to admit, it is gratifying to be getting better and giving some of the younger men pause -- however rarely. They take so much for granted and make so many assumptions about women of a certain age. As I said, some swims are better than others.


  1. This is one of the all time best stories.
    good for you Nancy. You have inspired me to get off my fat a - Once I am finished with
    Cancer treatments at Princess Margaret I may just take up swimming. You are a hard act to follow. All the best to you and your, B.A.M.F.

  2. Yes, it was a nice moment -- worth all the work I am putting in. As you would say, Ha!

  3. Score one for the over 60 women!!! Loved your story, and plan to kick some male ass when I'm at my next aquafit class.....tomorrow.
