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Friday, January 9, 2015

Divorce "Vikki" style

"The money claws always come out," said notorious and brilliant North Jersey mediator and family lawyer Vikki Ziegler.  Have just started watching her reality series 'Untying the Knot' and it's depressing how many of her female clients have married men just for their $$$$.

Gee, really?  Who would'a guessed??!!

This says very bad things about women.  But it also says very bad things about the men they married -- men who must have known why they were being married in the first place by these vipers.  Then, when the whole arrangement predictably blows up in their faces, the husbands are dismayed and pissed off that their soon-to-be ex's demand bags of money.  "Judging by how much she has fleeced me for, she has a great career ahead of her," said one disillusioned cuckhold.

Thank you Michelle Triola, whose lawyer, Marvin Mitchell, took Lee Marvin for just about every penny he had ever earned in the famous palimony case about 30 years ago.  (Did you know that Dick Van Dyke eventually married Michelle?  By the way, he is still alive and 89 years old.  Totally weird.)

The thing about Vikki's cases is that these women have only been married 10 or 15 years, maybe less, and have no kids with their rich catches.  They seem to force themselves to stay the minimum amount of time to get the $$$.  Entitled?  In their minds, you bettcha.  They are there with their lawyers, out for blood.  I admire Vikki because she goes by the letter of the law, in terms of what's splitable and what's not, yet she takes into consideration which party is emotionally attached to which object. 

She is absolutely brilliant in how she gets the protagonists to "yes".  "Hey, do you want to just buy me this jewellery, or do you want to keep your money?" she says to one husband, arguing about a cookie.  To drive home the point, Ms. Ziegler actually holds out her diamond-adorned hands to demonstrate him how dumb the guy is. 

Yep, everyone's dumb. 

I hesitate to tell you again that I was in the vanguard of "women's lib", when we all decided to burn our bras and get good educations so we would never have to rely on men to support us.  I am disappointed that women have not advanced and still what to marry-and-fleece rich men.  Yes, I have been divorced, but I walked away, taking not a cent from my ex -- not even child support.  I had a decent career and enough money to support myself and my children and could not imagine dealing with lawyers and courts over..........whatever?  (And yes, I am still friends with my ex, who has always seen his children whenever he could, no strings.  He's actually a very cool guy.)   

Dragging through court is so degrading.  What kind of woman does one have to be?  I guess the kind who can't -- or won't -- earn her own living.  Yet, even if she can, many hunt aggressively for every nickel.  I know from experience with a female ex-spouse how women can belittle themselves and sacrifice their self-esteem over a cookie.  It renders pointless all the work the rest of us did to stand up and be counted.  And we wonder why we are still not take seriously?      

Women in divorce continue to short-change themselves by their greed. 


  1. You are 100% correct!! Womens lib - my husband left me after my mother died and got half of my inheritance!
    So there's a turn around for you. Yes, I still like him and after 40yrs we all had Christmas Dinner together this year. |It's called being a Christian and living it.

  2. But let's face it, it's usually the other way 'round -- women hosing men. I am still friends with my ex too, so is B. Good for the offspring we all get along.
