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Monday, January 5, 2015

It's always time.......... put away the Christmas stuff at Epiphany.  Frankly, I can't get rid of it fast enough!  Love getting it out and putting it up, but I equally love undoing the whole thing.  That's what I am up to today.  Bagged all the decorations, fought the tree into its box, put away the crèche, undid the mantle, put the powder room back to ordinary, re-laid the dining table and replaced the red tea lights with white.

The only task remaining will be to iron the Christmas linens when they're dry and stow them. 

Had grandson for a sleepover Saturday and exhausted though I am after dropping him off on Sunday, he makes my day.  Took him to Mass and boy is he fast!  "Don't talk again," he said to one of the lectors -- right out loud -- as she mounted the steps to give the second reading.  Actually, some Sundays I feel exactly the same way.  He loves the music and sways back and forth as he "reads" along with the choir.  Suddenly, in the middle of Father David's homily, he'd had enough and darted to the front of the church and almost up on the altar.  Good thing I was into track and field in school because I had to race after him -- in my high heels no less.

His favourite task is putting coins in the "Mission Mexico" jar on the altar.  That and the promise of timbits at coffee afterward, were the reasons I wrestled him under control.

Here's to a Happy 2015!   


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