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Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Don't know how many blogs I've posted with that title, but here's another.  Last time I checked, Calgary police chief Rick Hanson is not in the pulpit in the Somali community mosque here.  The imam now blaming the police is.  This imam is the guy who needs to smarten up his flock and stop the murderous gang warfare that is killing so many of his community's young men -- about 30 in the last two years.

But who is he blaming?  Yep, the Calgary police and the entire Calgary community.  Whaaaat??!! 

Two young men were murdered by their own here over the Christmas holiday and guess what?  The rest of us are to blame.  I'm so sick of it.  The beleaguered police are trying to get to the bottom of the mess, but guess who will not cooperate?  Need I say more?  "As mourners exited the mosque following the funeral, several men pulled their hoodies over their heads and shielded their faces from television cameras," said one account.

Over to them, is all I can say.

On another note, Globe and Mail columnist Margaret Wente had an interesting take on the dental mess at Dalhousie.  "Dalhousie's dental hysteria" was the title of her piece.  "Here's what we've come to on campus today.  If you make a stupid, juvenile mistake, you can be utterly destroyed.  If you're male, that is," wrote Wente. 

Yep, that's correct.  Not that she or anyone condones the stupidity of their website, but let's not get too carried away here.  "Many think suspensions don't go far enough," writes Wente.  "They want them expelled -- or perhaps drawn and quartered.....It's too bad they didn't get a sharp smack across the chops from a respected elder.  Alas, that didn't happen.  So now they are the latest villains in the 'rape culture' witch hunt that has gripped universities across North America."

The same BS has destroyed the lives of the two Members of Parliament publically accused of sexual assault by two female MPs who chicken-shitedly won't identify themselves.  It's outrageous. 

I mean, boys will be boys -- especially in university.  I remember when engineering students at Queen's were reprimanded for hanging "No means more beer" signs from their dorm windows.

Let's get a grip. 


1 comment:

  1. good read - thanks - what do you as a journalist think of Paris - a much larger issue a world issue.????
