BBC coverage of the British national election last evening was mesmerizing. Unlike the CBC's, it was full of intelligent insight from actual experts -- not just the predictable droning by the same old, know-nothing journalists the Mother Corp. always trots out. Amid a lot of teeth-sucking by those going down to defeat, the BBC interspersed its coverage with charming and useful computer charts and fun floor maps which explained things such as the swing in votes from the last election, what had happened this time and what it all actually meant.
I am soooooooo tired of Pastor Mansbridge I could stick a fork in both eyes and hold pillows to my ears whenever he appears. And his "experts"?! Please. I can't stand vacuous dyed-blonde interviewers as much as the next guy, but Chantal Hebert? It's painful to see how much more unkempt she manages to be from her last dreadful appearance. And try as she might, poor old Chantal just can't hide the fact that she is a separatist through-and-through. As for Bruce Anderson, look up the definition of gobble-dee-gook and you'll find his name in bold. Now and then I vow to listen intently to what he is saying to try and understand his point, but every time I say to B, "What did he say?" No clue, is the usual response. Anderson's favourite fall-back is, "That being said," after which he lamely makes the completely opposite point.
What is he doing there? I could offer as much insight.
And don't get me started on Andrew Coyne! What an oxymoron, emphasis on the "moron". The most cynically-ignorant know-it-all on public view in modern time. By contrast, the BBC had professors of constitutional democracy and the like from London's St. Paul's university, explaining the historical significance of this and that, and learned historians who knew what had happened all the way back to the sixteen hundreds. Mansbridge et co. couldn't tell you what happened in the last 16 minutes. The whole evening put the CBC to shame. They all need to travel to London to take a clinic from the real experts.
Still on politics, Alberta's election was a shocker, but the real shame of it all was the disgraceful behaviour of Jim Prentice who, upon losing, promptly resigned the seat he had just won, giving the arrogant finger to the poor saps who had just elected him to Calgary Foothills. -- for the second time, by the way, in as many months. Off he drove in his antique, vintage Thunderbird convertible (watch that coif, Jimbo) down the road to political oblivion all the way to private-sector cash. It was pure cowardice.
Jim Prentice: a phonier guy you could not meet. Desperate to lead, but never to serve. Shame on you.
Friday, May 8, 2015
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