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Saturday, May 16, 2015


"Swimming is so complicated, let alone a flip turn," said the best swimmer in the pool, a woman I have come to know.  I had just told her I was bound and determined to do a proper flip turn before I died.  "Well, let's work on it now," she said this morning. 

You have to remember that this forty-something woman is a magnificent swimmer, someone all the pumped up young men fawn upon to discuss strokes, etc.  The fact that she always stops to talk to me is a mystery, but one I look forward to.  "OK, let's work on that," said 'E', as she abandoned her swim set to help me with my pathetic flip. 

Turns out I had been trying to complete a somersault and then turn over and swim up.  No, you just do a half somersault, then kick off.  Oh!!!  That's all?!  Took me about 15 tries to get it right, because my brain wanted my body to go the other way, but eventually I actually completed a bonefida flip turn!  Was I happy?  You betcha!  Now, along with my 50 laps a morning, I can actually complete a proper flip turn at every lap.  If you are a swimmer, you know how big a deal that is.  In fact, my daughter had told me the same thing last evening, "It's not actually a turn, Mum, more of a flip of your legs" she had said.  But since we never get to swim together, I was lucky to get hands-on coaching from 'E'. 

Thank you so much, my pool friend. 


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