- "Of the 6,420 missing persons in Canada, 1,455 are women; only 164 are native women;
- 88% of murders of native women have been solved;
- 89% of non-native murdered women have been solved;
- Between 1980 and 2012, 20,313 murders occurred in Canada; 6,551 victims were women, of which 1,017 were native;
- 30% of the 1,017 murdered native women were killed by their husbands, 23% by another family member, 30% by an acquaintance;
- Only 8% of murdered native women were murdered by strangers;
- 44% of those family members who kill native women were drunk;
- 74% of those women murdered were unemployed;
- 62% had a history of violence with the murder victim;
The billions of tax payer dollars given to natives in the form of living expenses, free education, free medical and no taxation has crippled them -- just as it does non-natives.
"Corrupt Leadership
Most leaders have no idea how to lead, manage, inspire or teach their people. Rather, they steal from their own members for themselves, their family and friends and refuse to be accountable to anyone. Theresa Spence in Attiwapiskat, I'm talking to you as a prime example.
"Alcohol and drug abuse and gang violence
Each contributes to the crime rate on reserves, the lack of parenting skills, family violence and poverty.
"A two-tiered justice system
This mess gives aboriginal offenders lighter sentences, or none at all, allowing them back into their communities to continue to abuse the same native women again and again -- often resulting in death. If the Canadian public wants a national enquiry, how about this topic!?"
A national enquiry will fix nothing. And let's get one thing straight, as I have always said, North America does not "belong" to natives. Their ancestors did not poof out of thin air. They came in waves across the land/ice bridge from Asia, a genetically-proven fact. They are immigrants like the rest of this. Period, the end.
The Sun goes on to point out that natives were not peaceful, but violently warring on each other constantly. "Just ask the Hurons," says the Sun. "Oh, you can't. The Iroquios wiped them out." The only solution is to get rid of the reserve system, but that will never happen because The Indian Act that keeps it in place is the mechanism by which the money flows to natives. So, they will remain trapped on desolate, crime-ridden reserves and not able to function, get jobs and pay taxes like every other cultural group that calls Canada home.
So please Justin, give your head a shake and do something useful for natives. And don't ask Bob Paulsen to sit there and take sh-t from one native after another. He is the man with the facts.
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