Well, in this case chicken little was right; the sky did just fall. Everyone has their theories, but I think there are a few obvious reasons -- and you won't hear these ugly thoughts on the Mother Corp or CNN. Firstly, it was folly to have Obama stump for Hilary. He won two terms only because blacks actually voted in far larger numbers than ever. He didn't win because people liked him, or thought he was doing a good job -- although many did. No, he won because blacks showed up and voted en masse for him regardless of what he said or did. Let's face it, he was a pretty unremarkable president.
There was no love lost between Hilary and Michelle, everyone knew that, so to have her on the campaign trail was completely disingenuous and phony -- something people thought about Hilary in the first place. And then there were the never-ending concerts by black rock stars. No one wanted to see Stevie Wonder and Beyoncé. So unserious. Let's face it, the folks who voted for Trump are about as racist as you can find anywhere -- either secretly or publically, and we all know a few of the former. Never forget, folks, the civil war still rages in the Excited States of America. In fact, just heard someone on the airwaves call the Trump victory "whitelash". Pretty much.
So, in the end nothing mattered. Not the debates, not who said what, not the slurs, not the questionable emails, not the attacks on women -- not even his ridiculous hair. No. People were sick of the Clintons and voted with their guts, not their brains. Just like Brexit, it was all about getting back to what the silent, unemployed, white majority nostalgically harkened to. The natural order of things needed to change; the tail had to stop wagging the big, American dog. Shows you just how out of it Washington and the media are.
As the late John Diefenbaker* once said, "Dogs know what to do with polls (sic)."
* Google him
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
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