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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

T'was ever thus

All the brou-ha-ha about post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the ranks of the army is getting a little much.  Since the beginning of time, the infantry has always been the fallback job choice for society's marginal who often can't find alternative employment.  I mean, why would one voluntarily join up for a possible death sentence if one had another option?  (This does not include the Great Wars, when not signing up was a sign of cowardice.)

Sorry to be so brutal, but there's a reason foot soldiers have always been referred to as "canon fodder":  they are disposable.  It is considerably more difficult to get into the navy and air force, but the army?  After an age-check, you're in. 

My late uncle used to call it "shell shock" and shook his head as if to say, "Some poor chaps just weren't up to it."  And that was that.  But never mind because joining the army gave you a career, status, a nice paycheque, perks, world travel and a tidy pension-for-life.  Now, however, that's not enough because in addition to medical marijuana, today's veterans are demanding psychiatric counselling and compensation until.....whenever. 

I am as sorry as the next guy about the suicides, but these people might probably have committed it anyway.  No amount of counselling, for example, would have prevented my late brother from killing himself at the young age of 32.  He had many demons that would not have been expunged by talking about them.  Better not to dwell on them, just get on with it, I say.

But this is Canada, so no one does.   


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