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Friday, December 15, 2017

That's why

Before I get started on "That's why", I just want to say that Hilary Clinton's book, 'What Happened' should contain two words:  "You lost."  What else is there to say?!?  The Clinton's and Obama's spent 16 years in the White House and did nothing.  They stalled everything they had promised, but did nothing.  Frankly, if Trump ran again today, he'd win. 

What I really want to talk about is the appalling agenda Trudeau has set for our county's upcoming G7 presidency.  Our ridiculous PM has said that he will focus on....wait for it.....sit down......hydrate....:
  • gender equality
  • climate change
  • oceans and clean energy
  • economic growth that works for everyone
  • preparing for jobs of the future, and
  • building a more peaceful and secure world.
Firstly, economic growth can never work for everyone.  It's a zero-sum game, there are winners and losers.  Remember that saying, "The poor will always be with us"?  Economically, the poor are essential to any economy.  I mean, if you quit school at 15, you're doomed to poverty and jobs that need to be done no one wants to do.  And if you have a kid at 14 or 15, you are also doomed to poverty, selfishly sharing the dismal state with your kids -- probably from different fathers. 

It's all so sad and it's the reason Canada will never be taken seriously on the world stage.  We're a laughing stock, we have neither army nor navy for Gawd's sake! 

Trudeau, a self-identified "feminist" (seriously?), is going to spend $650 million over three years on sexual and reproductive health and rights worldwide, including contraception, sex education and legal abortion.  Here's a bulletin:  The countries where this is a problem will never spend the money on those issues; male domination and rape are the accepted norm in the very countries he thinks he will "help".

Not going to do a thing.

 "The G7 is about building consensus and moving forward together, but it's also about making sure people hear loudly and clearly what our own priorities are.  And that's why we're going to keep talking about the environment and about how important it is to fight climate change," Trudeau said.

OMG!  How delusional can anyone be?  A trust-fund kid, our hapless PM will never get the reality in which most of the world exists. 

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