Many years ago, I had a date with Colin Kenny. Set up by a mutual friend, (see "The Prince of Ottawa", blog Sept. 29, 2011) it was a costume party; I went as a football player, he as a cheer leader. It was great fun and we won! He even wore a wig, I the big pads, helmut and cleats.
Now I see he has resigned and retired early from The Senate. I am not surprised because he was always a male chauvinistic guy (was going to say "pig", but wanted to be nice), but my date with him was not in any way sexually aggressive. In fact, apart from getting head-in-the-toilet sick, he was a perfect gentleman.
The next day, he arrived at my parents' house with Copey to apologize to me for his behaviour. That was very impressive. I accepted, but we never dated again. So, while he must have continued his behaviour, he never preyed on me and I just wanted to put this out to say that whatever he has done, he was a perfect gentleman with me and treated my parents with great respect.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Monday, January 29, 2018
Too much
Heard an interview on CBC yesterday with some-doctor-or-other discussing assisted suicide. To my on-going horror, he answered each question with, "So......" What the eff??!! I know I have gone on about this before, but why does everyone now do this??!!??
"What are the legalities surrounding the taking of organs from a cadaver?" asked the interviewer. "So.........." the doctor went on. It drives me insane! Who started this and why???!!! I may actually go on-line and find the idiot's name and send him an email.
Both spoken and written English are being mutilated at every turn. It makes me weep because I love grammar and proper speech. I mean, if you can't properly speak and write your native tongue, what hope have you?
Am I alone? Guess so.
p.s. Chrystia Freeland is so annoying. Can't stand her, with her perky know-it-all-ness. Making a mess of the NAFTA negotiations, she still thinks she has a credible role to play. She is a joke. I was a member of the original Free Trade Task Force in 1988 and know the realities of such deals. Heck, I even have a citation in our office praising me for having been a part of it. I am very proud of it. Folks, there has to be respect and give-and-take, but the smug Freeland seems to have no idea of how to deal with the US?! I predict NAFTA will be cancelled.
"What are the legalities surrounding the taking of organs from a cadaver?" asked the interviewer. "So.........." the doctor went on. It drives me insane! Who started this and why???!!! I may actually go on-line and find the idiot's name and send him an email.
Both spoken and written English are being mutilated at every turn. It makes me weep because I love grammar and proper speech. I mean, if you can't properly speak and write your native tongue, what hope have you?
Am I alone? Guess so.
p.s. Chrystia Freeland is so annoying. Can't stand her, with her perky know-it-all-ness. Making a mess of the NAFTA negotiations, she still thinks she has a credible role to play. She is a joke. I was a member of the original Free Trade Task Force in 1988 and know the realities of such deals. Heck, I even have a citation in our office praising me for having been a part of it. I am very proud of it. Folks, there has to be respect and give-and-take, but the smug Freeland seems to have no idea of how to deal with the US?! I predict NAFTA will be cancelled.
Friday, January 26, 2018
Sorry, it is
Despite protestations to the contrary, the natives' demand to create their own child-welfare legislation is all about money. And they are looking for a minimum of $155 million on top of the $16 billion they already get handed annually to run that aspect of it. "It isn't just about money," some spokesman said. Well, sorry, but yes it is.
StatsCan numbers tell you that while native children four and under comprise only eight percent of the total population, they account for 51.2 percent of preschoolers in care. That's insane! Why is that? Why is it so many native parents can't adequately take care of their own offspring? And don't blame "residential schools"; no one's been to one in two generations. Currently, if a parent can't look after a native kid at home, the latter is placed in the 'kinder care' program whereby a close relative takes the abused/neglected/starved/beaten child in. So they effectively have control of these kids now. And what happens? In all the cases given huge amounts of publicity, the kid is either killed by the relative -- such as the case of little Serenity here in Alberta -- or dies of neglect or starvation anyway.
What needs to be corrected is what happens to a native baby from the time it's born to the age of two, when it's obvious abuse has been taking place. That's where the intervention needs to happen. That's where native leaders need to investigate -- not wait until the damage is done and step in. It's too late by then. During the "emergency" meeting in Ottawa this week to discuss the "crisis" in native care, not one person in, or covering, it dared even mention the disproportionate numbers. Couldn't even whisper it!
Why should parents be given millions to look after their own kids? When I was a kid, my mother got a "baby bonus" of $5 a month. It was up to her and my father to pay for my care -- not "the government". Native leaders complain they get less money for child services on reserves than elsewhere, but this is because they also get handed billions over and above what's allocated for children. They're supposed to take care of a lot of this with that money!
The sense of entitlement and blame by natives is both outrageous and breathtaking.
StatsCan numbers tell you that while native children four and under comprise only eight percent of the total population, they account for 51.2 percent of preschoolers in care. That's insane! Why is that? Why is it so many native parents can't adequately take care of their own offspring? And don't blame "residential schools"; no one's been to one in two generations. Currently, if a parent can't look after a native kid at home, the latter is placed in the 'kinder care' program whereby a close relative takes the abused/neglected/starved/beaten child in. So they effectively have control of these kids now. And what happens? In all the cases given huge amounts of publicity, the kid is either killed by the relative -- such as the case of little Serenity here in Alberta -- or dies of neglect or starvation anyway.
What needs to be corrected is what happens to a native baby from the time it's born to the age of two, when it's obvious abuse has been taking place. That's where the intervention needs to happen. That's where native leaders need to investigate -- not wait until the damage is done and step in. It's too late by then. During the "emergency" meeting in Ottawa this week to discuss the "crisis" in native care, not one person in, or covering, it dared even mention the disproportionate numbers. Couldn't even whisper it!
Why should parents be given millions to look after their own kids? When I was a kid, my mother got a "baby bonus" of $5 a month. It was up to her and my father to pay for my care -- not "the government". Native leaders complain they get less money for child services on reserves than elsewhere, but this is because they also get handed billions over and above what's allocated for children. They're supposed to take care of a lot of this with that money!
The sense of entitlement and blame by natives is both outrageous and breathtaking.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Does Patrick Brown really think his denials of sexual assaults on teenagers will sell? They won't. Anyone accused publically is usually guilty. Else why would women come forward? And the fact his entire staff has resigned confirms it.
What an idiot to go on national tv and deny the whole mess. Poor old Andrew Scheer is saying such dumb stuff like, "I wasn't leader at the time." Who cares?! You're wearing it, buddy. It's all on you. We also have the Nova Scotia PC leader being accused of sexual assault. At least he resigned, but what a mess.
Time for men to hit the re-set button.
What an idiot to go on national tv and deny the whole mess. Poor old Andrew Scheer is saying such dumb stuff like, "I wasn't leader at the time." Who cares?! You're wearing it, buddy. It's all on you. We also have the Nova Scotia PC leader being accused of sexual assault. At least he resigned, but what a mess.
Time for men to hit the re-set button.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
I had to hit "mute"
Listening to Minister-of-something-or-other-Indian, Jane Philpott, go on about how she's going to solve all the problems on reservations is beyond the beyond.
According to her, she's going to eliminate the boil-water problems, the youth suicide epidemic, the infant mortality disgrace, the drug and substance mess and the no-education disaster in 10 minutes. Really?!
The gobbeldy-gook she mouthed was breathtaking in the two interviews I heard her give this afternoon. Apparently, the education drop-outs are going to be solved by gearing programs to native culture and beliefs. Really?! No they're not. Native children need to get the same education as every other Canadian because knowing all about your cultural practices is not going to help you get into Queen's or McGill. All that's going to do is handicap you further. Just so dumb.
I had to hit mute to prevent me from screaming.
And as to the boil-water deal, reservations have been provided with expensive filtering systems for many years, but guess what? They neither install nor use them!
All the other problems would be solved if Indians integrated and got off the reserves. But it won't happen. Sad.
According to her, she's going to eliminate the boil-water problems, the youth suicide epidemic, the infant mortality disgrace, the drug and substance mess and the no-education disaster in 10 minutes. Really?!
The gobbeldy-gook she mouthed was breathtaking in the two interviews I heard her give this afternoon. Apparently, the education drop-outs are going to be solved by gearing programs to native culture and beliefs. Really?! No they're not. Native children need to get the same education as every other Canadian because knowing all about your cultural practices is not going to help you get into Queen's or McGill. All that's going to do is handicap you further. Just so dumb.
I had to hit mute to prevent me from screaming.
And as to the boil-water deal, reservations have been provided with expensive filtering systems for many years, but guess what? They neither install nor use them!
All the other problems would be solved if Indians integrated and got off the reserves. But it won't happen. Sad.
Monday, January 22, 2018
Three out of three
A woman I was swimming with yesterday had them all. Not only was she overweight, she was also very unattractive and rude. (I was going to say "fat, ugly and a bitch", but didn't want to be too crude.)
Normally I don't swim in the "fast" lane, out of respect for the really good people in whose way I would be, but yesterday the "middle" and "slow" lanes were crowded with people trying out their new year's fitness resolutions and she was the only one in the "fast". When I joined the lane, I realized she wasn't that fast after all and when we both reached the end of the lane at the same time, I moved aside and said, "Just trying to get out of your way," with perfect pool etiquette. "That would be nice," she barked and swam off.
Whoa! Who does that?! The two best swimmers in there, Beau and Erin, would never, ever speak to a fellow swimmer like that -- especially when someone was trying to be considerate and polite. With her too-many tattoos, I guess she thought she was a cross between Penny Olesiak and Kaillie Humphries. She wasn't.
Anyone who talks like that to a perfect stranger is a very angry person. Hey, put down the doughnuts and start to like yourself. But if you're going to do nothing about your appearance, at least be nice because people will react accordingly.
And speaking of pool goings-on, a Muslim woman got in today fully clothed from head to toe and bone-dry to boot! I mean, I know it's her religion, but at least shower off your outfit like the rest of us. It was both disgusting and alarming and I complained. Guess what will be done about it? Yep, that's right. Maybe tomorrow I should swim in my overcoat?
Normally I don't swim in the "fast" lane, out of respect for the really good people in whose way I would be, but yesterday the "middle" and "slow" lanes were crowded with people trying out their new year's fitness resolutions and she was the only one in the "fast". When I joined the lane, I realized she wasn't that fast after all and when we both reached the end of the lane at the same time, I moved aside and said, "Just trying to get out of your way," with perfect pool etiquette. "That would be nice," she barked and swam off.
Whoa! Who does that?! The two best swimmers in there, Beau and Erin, would never, ever speak to a fellow swimmer like that -- especially when someone was trying to be considerate and polite. With her too-many tattoos, I guess she thought she was a cross between Penny Olesiak and Kaillie Humphries. She wasn't.
Anyone who talks like that to a perfect stranger is a very angry person. Hey, put down the doughnuts and start to like yourself. But if you're going to do nothing about your appearance, at least be nice because people will react accordingly.
And speaking of pool goings-on, a Muslim woman got in today fully clothed from head to toe and bone-dry to boot! I mean, I know it's her religion, but at least shower off your outfit like the rest of us. It was both disgusting and alarming and I complained. Guess what will be done about it? Yep, that's right. Maybe tomorrow I should swim in my overcoat?
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
So now Trudeau has decided to invest $20 million into fighting sexual violence against women! How will that help?!?! What are they going to do, run around giving seminars and workshops?? That will do absolutely nothing.
And what about sexual violence against men and boys? Just ignore it? We all know it happens. Trudeau is so hopelessly tone-deaf and out-of-it. The only way to fight sexual violence is to learn respectful behaviour at your mother's knee. Period the end.
(p.s. Forgive me for again entitling a blog "OMG!", but often it's the only thing I can think of in the face of such stupidity!)
And what about sexual violence against men and boys? Just ignore it? We all know it happens. Trudeau is so hopelessly tone-deaf and out-of-it. The only way to fight sexual violence is to learn respectful behaviour at your mother's knee. Period the end.
(p.s. Forgive me for again entitling a blog "OMG!", but often it's the only thing I can think of in the face of such stupidity!)
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Maybe I'm French?
...because I agree with Catherine Deneuve and her friends who have penned a letter saying the "#MeToo" movement has gone too far. I also agree with Margaret Atwood, who recently wrote that women can actually be evil and odious -- just as can men. Both also pointed out that women are quite capable of saying "no" to unwanted advances.
Of course we are. And by the way, "rape" and "flirting" are not one and the same.
Margaret Wente's column in today's 'Globe and Mail' echoes these opinions and I agree with her. We may be "old, privileged, white women", but we can hold our own anytime anywhere. In fact, some of us cleverly work both sides of the street! I know I did when I was a young writer at Maclean-Hunter in Toronto in the early seventies, where I took advantage of my publisher who had the "hots" for me. I worked him hard to earn trips and assignments I coveted. He even bought me clothes, for Gawd's sake! And I didn't have to actually "put out", as the expression went; he simply lived in hope, G-d Rest the deluded man's soul.
The point is not all advances are unwanted. How else can someone show interest in another without a little flirting or suggestive chatter? Does the interested party have to send a business letter or make a formal appointment with his/her object of desire? "Ahem, may I make an appointment to determine if you might be willing to go to dinner?"
Completely ridiculous.
Sex is biological and if two parties agree, then it's on. Signals are sent and either welcomed or rejected and believe me, the one signalling will know his/her chances immediately.
So, let's get a grip here. Rape is a crime; flirting is not.
Of course we are. And by the way, "rape" and "flirting" are not one and the same.
Margaret Wente's column in today's 'Globe and Mail' echoes these opinions and I agree with her. We may be "old, privileged, white women", but we can hold our own anytime anywhere. In fact, some of us cleverly work both sides of the street! I know I did when I was a young writer at Maclean-Hunter in Toronto in the early seventies, where I took advantage of my publisher who had the "hots" for me. I worked him hard to earn trips and assignments I coveted. He even bought me clothes, for Gawd's sake! And I didn't have to actually "put out", as the expression went; he simply lived in hope, G-d Rest the deluded man's soul.
The point is not all advances are unwanted. How else can someone show interest in another without a little flirting or suggestive chatter? Does the interested party have to send a business letter or make a formal appointment with his/her object of desire? "Ahem, may I make an appointment to determine if you might be willing to go to dinner?"
Completely ridiculous.
Sex is biological and if two parties agree, then it's on. Signals are sent and either welcomed or rejected and believe me, the one signalling will know his/her chances immediately.
So, let's get a grip here. Rape is a crime; flirting is not.
Friday, January 12, 2018
In the vernacular.....
....a "failed state" is called a sh-thole and that's exactly what Haiti is -- along with every country in Africa. Trump is correct, folks, and to back that up, here's my question: If Haiti were such a desirable place, why did so many Haitians flood over the US border into Canada (with money and designer luggage) when the US threatened to deport them? Why didn't they go back to Haiti? Because that country is a sh-thole.
In the seventeenth century, Haiti was actually the richest country per capita in the world. Yes, that's a fact. But dictator after dictator have destroyed it. And as for Africa, tell me how well the following countries are doing, places such as:
Ya, not too well. Economically, politically and socially these countries are failed states, as defined by international criteria. There is no real democracy, a lack of clean water and adequate food and women and girls are raped routinely. Trump is not being racist, as the media and everyone else is claiming in mass and uniformed hysteria.
He's simply telling the unsavory truth.
In the seventeenth century, Haiti was actually the richest country per capita in the world. Yes, that's a fact. But dictator after dictator have destroyed it. And as for Africa, tell me how well the following countries are doing, places such as:
- Libya
- Tunisia
- Algeria
- Senegal
- Mauritania
- The "Democratic" Republic of the Congo
- The Gambia
- Sierra Leone
- Ivory Coast
- Nigeria
- Liberia
- Burkina Faso
- Ghana
- Mali
- Guinea
- Cape Verde
- Togo
- Benin
- Chad
- Cameroon
- Gabon
- Zaire
- South Africa
- Sudan
- Ethiopia
- Somalia
- Uganda
- Zimbabwe
- Burundi
- Tanzania
- Kenya
- Mozambique
- Botswana
- Zambia
- Angola
- Namibia
- Swaziland
- Lesotho
Ya, not too well. Economically, politically and socially these countries are failed states, as defined by international criteria. There is no real democracy, a lack of clean water and adequate food and women and girls are raped routinely. Trump is not being racist, as the media and everyone else is claiming in mass and uniformed hysteria.
He's simply telling the unsavory truth.
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
The Accidental Premier
The out-of-it Notley gave a year-end interview the other day and revealed just how ridiculous and disastrous her government's policies are. With absolutely no intention of cutting anything, her leadership has resulted in Alberta's $10 billion deficit which is ballooning daily! And all this for a small province of only four million!!
What struck me was how ragged and doomed she looked. Only 53, she looks much older and her outfit! Totally unprofessional. Happily, Jason Kenney will demolish her when the legislature reconvenes. Take a gander:
What struck me was how ragged and doomed she looked. Only 53, she looks much older and her outfit! Totally unprofessional. Happily, Jason Kenney will demolish her when the legislature reconvenes. Take a gander:
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I rest my case. Fifty-three!! And that hair!! |
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Neither pose nor outfit are premier-like in the least. |
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