Heard a sad interview on CBC (so many of them are) with one of the players -- of whom I had never heard -- in which she lamented the fact that people didn't come to watch their games and that if they had, the league would not be folding. Well, that's exactly the point! No one wants to see them play because it's not exciting. If you have a hundred bucks or so to go to a game, you'd go to an NHL game, would you not? You wouldn't pick a women's game over a men's. You just wouldn't.
So audios to professional women's hockey.
Just wanted to rant about the latest native nonsense. Apparently, some consultant or other will be paid $1.28 million to tell the Cat Lake Reserve what everyone already knows: There is mould in housing on that reserve. Gee, it's pretty obvious, but they decided to pay a carney barker to spell it out for them at great cost -- your money, Mr. and Mrs. Canada. And I am sure there are many other reserves with mouldy housing. How about all of them?! Here's a shot of one house:
Lovely, isn't it. But junior has his video game, so eff school. What I want to know is who built these dumps with our money? Now it will cost $12.8 million to replace them. It's an outrage. "They have to pay me what they owe me," says the consultant, opening his wallet. Where is Indian and Northern Affairs in all this? They are paid good money to deal with this, but what I think is happening is that the department is actually trying to force native leaders to be accountable for the mess they have made of their own reserves and thus are not just going to throw more and more money at the problem only to have it recur.
So, rather than take responsibility for the housing mess, the leaders simply hired a consultant to write the report so they could get more money to start over and mess it all up again.
That's what I think and I think I'm right.
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