"Diversity only works if there is trust," said our hapless, non-feminist PM yesterday. What the h-ll does that mean? Actually, what it means is that you can only have a diversity of opinions if they all align with mine.
That's what it actually means. In other words, if I can be sure you will say what I want you to say -- and only that -- you can be "diverse", then I will "trust" you to say what I think. What a pile of gobbledy goo, double speak. As I have blogged many times before this fiasco, Justin Trudeau is no more a "feminist" that was his father. And guess where he learned how to treat women? Yep, at papa's knee. And speaking of who raised him, how about his mother! Not exactly an example of a strong, hard-working woman, which would be why he has no clue how to deal with Wilson-Raybould and Philpott.
Saying you are a "feminist" doesn't make you one. He has no clue what the word means. I never say I am a "feminist", but actually am one. In fact, my cohort invented the concept, pushed the movement and went to the barricades to make sure it happened. You're welcome.
And where is that great "feminist" Sophie? Nowhere. And she can't use childcare as an excuse because she has three nannies to look after her three children while she sits around doing.....er......what exactly?
Great example to young women there, folks. I also applaud those female delegates who showed up in the Commons yesterday and turned their backs on Trudeau. He looks like the unenlightened, narcissistic, ignorant fool he is.
Here's a personal bulletin: After 22 years of on-again-off-again right shoulder pain, my doctor finally ordered both an Xray and an ultrasound. Guess what? I have a rotator cuff ligament tear that has finally torn completely. Described in the report as a "full thickness complete supraspinatus tear," I am told it would have been much worse had I not been such a swimmer. How I have been able to use my right arm doing the front crawl is now a complete mystery?
I'd also like to add that I am beginning to join the ranks of those who don't consider chiropractors "real" doctors. In all the years I have been seeing one for this issue, not once has any ordered an ultrasound to see what was going on. Not once. In fact, they all spent all their time pounding and pulling, which is exactly the wrong thing to do! Duh to them all.
The report also says it is a long-standing pathology, in other words has been going on for years. Trying to think when it might have begun, I remembered being in a taxi cab accident 22 years ago. Naturally, I wasn't wearing a seat belt because who does in a taxi (I now). So, it's off to physio for me starting today. All I want is for it to be repaired by the end of July, when I do my 2K Lake Windermere open water swim in B.C. because I don't want to have to swim it with only one arm.
All I can say is, don't get old!
Thursday, April 4, 2019
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