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Thursday, September 19, 2019

Shut up

That's what Andrew Scheer, Jagmeet Singh and Justin Trudeau need to do about this ridiculous "blackface" thing.  So the guy went to an Aladdin-themed costume party dressed as Aladdin with his face blackened.  Who cares?  I couldn't give a sh-t.  I have been to a number of costume parties dressed as a football player and any number of other bizarre identities -- including a winding road with signs stuck all over me -- but that doesn't mean I am insulting football players or road signs.  B has also gone dressed as a woman, but that doesn't mean he is demeaning women.  WTF?!

And while we're at it, let's have a talk with the makers of  'Aunt Jemima' syrup, or 'Quaker Oats'.  Seriously.  All the blather about "cultural appropriation" needs to stop. 

The media has gone berserk, as was to have been expected.  If they wanted to have said anything, Scheer and Singh should just have said, "The pictures speak for themselves," and then shut up.  The moral indignation of Scheer and the offense-taking of Singh are ludicrous.  These people claim to be able to lead Canada, yet they are stuck on costume-party highjinks.  Get over yourselves.  And, by the way, Trudeau should just shut up too.  He apologized (frankly I would not have grovelled as much as he) and now needs to move on.  (Note:  I am not a fan of Trudeau and have no time for him.)

Sadly, the majority of indignant talking heads the media is interviewing are visible minorities.  Kind'a colours (sorry) their opinions, in my view. 
But what I really want to talk about is Sidney.  We frequent a local establishment in Bowness run by a most charming and gregarious young man.  Watching him walk around, I went out on a limb and asked him yesterday if he had every studied ballet?  I knew this was a weird question, but the way he walked struck me.  He strode with authority and purpose.  Guess what?  Yes, he had been part of a ballet company for 12 years.  I knew it!  He was amazed, but I always remember what my own ballet teacher said many years ago, "Girls, you can always tell a ballet dancer by the way they walk."  That is Sidney.  His back is ramrod straight and his head held high.  "I can just see you strutting onto stage," I told him.  Here is he is:



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