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Sunday, July 26, 2020

A panel?

Why is there only to be an in-camera panel looking into the mass shooting in Nova Scotia?  Why not a public inquiry?  That's wrong.  Frankly, the reason must be to protect the incompetent Lucki from being scrutinized.  Trudeau keeps making these bad, token appointments and then having to hide their ineptness. 

That tragic Snow Bird crash in BC was also disasterously handled by the RCMP.  In fact, they were completely absent during the whole thing, which meant a local fire chief had to face the cameras and fumble his way through while one pilot lay dead in a front yard and another was badly injured and trapped on a roof.  Along with the invisible Lucki,  I am also talking about Theresa Tam and Catherine Tait, as well as Julie Payette.  These women set our gender back 50 years. 

After retiring, I used to have lunch with my former Customs and Excise deputy minister and we would often talk about the whole "affirmative action" mess.  During our get togethers, he revealed opinions he couldn't when DM.  We both agreed it didn't work.  "You never bought into all that did you," he said at one point, paying me a huge compliment.  "I promoted you to DG because of your competence, not your gender."  I used to have a weekly meeting with him and he never cancelled because I kept them short.  They amounted to one minute an item.  I'd walk in and say, "Hi L, five items, five minutes."  He'd give me a one or two word answer and I was out the door.

My question of the day is, are there no competent Canadian female journalists the CBC could hire?  Listening this morning, there is one on TV with a very heavy Australian accent.  Why is that?  It's the CBC and we should have Canadian journalists on there.  The public Australian broadcaster would not, I am sure, hire a Canadian over an Aussie.  Oh wait, I forgot, Catherine Tait is in charge. 

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