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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Still a big issue

After I went on maternity leave 43 years ago, child care is still not solved.  This is from an article by John Ibbitson in 'The Globe and Mail' today, in which he talks about world populations being predicted to fall.

Politicians have blabbed on about universal child care for generations, but the minute they get into power, the whole thing is abandoned.  It's not a priority for them because they have wives at home or resources to cover it.  There's a reason so few women run for office.  If they want to have a family, they can't put in the hours.

Thirty years ago, I was tapped to go into the Privy Council Office, but I had to decline because with young children at home -- even though I had a live-in nanny -- I could not put in the hours.  Staff was (or is it "were"? I think it's "was") expected to work from seven to at least seven, otherwise you were regarded as a slacker.  So I took another job where I could work normal hours.  As I keep saying, women are penalized for bearing the biological function of having children. 

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