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Saturday, January 1, 2022

That's their main job

Governments have one basic function -- to keep their citizens safe.  At that, each and every one has proven abjectly incompetent, criminal in my opinion.  Every day we are told something different about vaccines, tests, quarantine -- you name it, it's a dog's breakfast of ineptitude!

First it was stay in and don't go anywhere.  Then it was get the vaccine, then it was get two doses, then it was get a booster.  Now they're pushing a fourth shot!!! What the f-ck!?  What was the point of the vaccine and hibernation if people are still dying even with three shots??  In my view, the point of the vaccine-plus movement is to further enrich drug companies.  Time to buy stock in a few! 

Quarantine has gone from 14 days to 10 to five and now to three.  Currently, if you test positive on a rapid one at home, just assume you have COVID and stay home.  That's an insane way to "manage" the health of Canadians.  As my pharmacist says, "No one knows anything."  I did a blog about all the health ministers, deputy ministers and chief public health officers still employed and raking in hundreds of thousands in salaries.  It's all so wrong.  Robyn Urback had an excellent analysis of the mess in her 'Globe and Mail' column yesterday:

"It is a function of good fortune that the (disastrous) implosion of testing, tracing and the orderly distribution of vaccines in many provinces has been met by a variant that does not appear to result in severe illness as often as its predecessors did.  Indeed, this 'you're on your own' phase of the pandemic is bearable only because citizens aren't dying by the thousands.  It's an abject institutional failure, buoyed only by dumb luck."

Read it and weep.  

First, our "leaders" had no clue what was coming.  Then, when the pandemic arrived, they hadn't enough PPEs, then they had to ration vaccines, now there aren't enough rapid tests for all Canadians.  Two years on, how can our health -- read "death" -- authorities be caught flat-footed yet again?!  Canadians should be outraged, but not enough of us are.  And Trudeau just sails merrily along.  He and Tam should both be dumped, charged and jailed.  Blood of thousands on their hands. 


Re-read "Just a tad behind," Feb. 22, 2021, to see a list of all the "health" ministers who are still collecting HUGE salaries, while literally killing Canadians.

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