Native columnist Doug Cuthand is lauding GG Mary Simon as a role model for Indigenous people. According to Cuthand, she is a revered and respected grandmother to all her people.
Well, I find that wrong.
Simon was the one who racked up almost $100,000 on in-flight food and booze for her and 29 of her friends on a junket to Dubai. As I have blogged, what the hell are our GG and her buddies doing going to Dubai in the first place? Here's Mary (centre) looking very pleased with herself, obviously unperturbed by the kerfuffle surrounding her wanton spending of the taxpayer dime at a time when so many families are watering down their kids' milk. Well, I guess when you're generations-used to being handed public money, these thoughts don't occur to you:

Also wanted to say a word or two about the fiscal and monetary mess in England, where barely a month into her tenure, PM Liz Truss has had to backtrack and reverse a disastrous mini-budget that slashed taxes on the ultra-wealthy. Devised by her Chancellor of the Exchequer, Kwasi Kwarteng, the whole mess blew up in their faces. My economist husband said that the plan was a good one -- if you wanted to wait about 20 years for it to bear fruit. Something about supply side versus B explained it, but I don't get it. Nevertheless, the extremely well-educated, Kwarteng came up with a wonderful, theoretical, long-term plan, but boys, this is politics. No one has more than a few days!
I think it's sad, a) because Truss is a woman, and b) because Kwarteng is Black. They've both set these two groups back about 50 years. That's too bad because it will just serve as an excuse for the "see-I-told-you-so" gang to dine out. Here the hapless pair are, defending the budget and doubling down at a Conservative Party conference just before throwing in the economic towel:
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Canada's minister of diversity and inclusion, Ahmed Hussen, just announced another disastrous racially-discriminate program to promote Black entrepreneurs by throwing money at them. It's to be a Black-led endowment fund which will be a sustainable source of money to support Black communities. Well, I guess if your portfolio is "diversity and inclusion", you have to think up something.
To that I say, huh??!!
It's also to be open only to Black stakeholders. Naturally, the media have said nothing. That's wrong. If a business can't make it on its own, it should be allowed to fold. I should know, I started a business almost 50 years ago, went bankrupt and lost a fortune. No one bailed me out, nor should they have. Ah....if only I had been Black in 2022......
Here's another annoying headline:
This is Theresa Tam writing her own performance evaluation. In my opinion, she was a COVID disaster, but she claims she saved 800,000 lives.
Go figure!
On another unrelated matter, we were at the local hotel here in Cochrane the other night and the young server said she loved my earrings. They weren't expensive, so I took them out and gave them to her. She was floored. "I can't take those!" she exclaimed. "Yes you can, I have a ton of earrings and I hardly ever wear these." Giving is a gift to the giver. It felt good to see her so happy.
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