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Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Amazing young ladies

Every morning, when I arrive at the pool, I see these protheses propped up against one of the lockers.  They belong to two beautiful teenage girls who have each lost a leg, but who swim and train every day.  They have other legs they wear to and from the pool deck, but when they swim, they don't use them.  And boy, are they fast!

So, when I complain about aches and pains, I should just shut up.  Today, one of them pushed an even more disabled friend who had climbed out of the pool and into her wheelchair.  So, there we had a girl with a artificial leg pushing her buddy in a wheelchair.  What an inspiring bunch of kids they are.
p.s.  Neat place to hold her water bottle.  

Just a word about Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe formally apologizing for the fact that one of his members invited Colin Thatcher into the legislative chamber to hear a speech.  Yes, Thatcher was convicted of killing his ex-wife Joanne Wilson, but he served his term and was paroled after 22 of his 25-year sentence.  My issue is that Moe's apology repudiates the legal system and that's not a good thing.  

You can hate Thatcher all you want, and he is odious, but the legal system legally dealt with him legally, get it?  An apology flies in the face of that system and our rule of law by means with which he was dealt.  So no, I don't agree with Moe.  What he should have said was, "I won't comment on what the courts have decided.  That is not my jurisdiction."  He must have ignorant advisors unequipped to compensate for his own.  Afterall, he has a degree in Agriculture from the University of Saskatchewan; he is not a lawyer.

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