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Thursday, November 24, 2022

You knew it was going to happen

Yep, the federal government has decided to make the "Truth" and Reconciliation Commission permanent.   It'll be funded FOREVER, it will have offices and it will just keep burrowing into the dregs of the past and will never, never stop.  When you keep picking at a scab, it never heals.  Neither will this.

And just to ensure it doesn't, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM), has installed the always-hysterical Cindy Blackstock as inaugural chancellor.  Blackstock, a professor of social work (what else?) at McGill and the executive director of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society (by means of which she secured a $40 billion settlement for native children in care -- don't dare ask why they had to be taken into care) began her tenure with this forward-looking vow:

"We're going to be looking at the impact of colonialism on health care."  Well, if that isn't a promise to keep digging backwards in time picking at scabs, I don't know what is?  Please Cindy, try and move forward once in a while!  Both she and warrior-in-arms Tanya Talaga want to ensure northern communities have the same number of doctors and health care workers per capita as any other community.  I guess someone forgot to tell them that in Canada, doctors are free to practice wherever they want.  I mean, who'd want to go to a remote, deprived, barren reservation instead of a nice, modern hospital in a city in which they can live well?      

Why can't natives move on?  Why can't they make any progress?  Why can't they support themselves?  How long will they keep gnawing on 100-year-old bones to no avail?  

FOREVER.  Because it means MONEY.

And speaking of things that will never end, the war between Russia and Ukraine is another such interminable mess.  I used to sympathize with Zelensky, but I don't now.  His personal vendetta is leading the rest of the world into nuclear chaos and grave danger.  He has to sit down with Putin and talk -- even though we know Putin will win and will take Ukraine.  But Zelensky doesn't give a toss and the rest of the world is just sitting around doing nothing.  Hitler anyone?  World War III anyone?


Watching snippets now and then by accident of the ludicrous inquiry into the emergencies act, I happened upon the ghastly Freeland.  Her rude, dismissive and condescending "answers" to the female lawyers questioning her is appalling.  Her sense of righteousness and never-wrongness is jarring.  The woman doesn't have the brains to have a second thought about anything on any position she holds.  And could she look any more disheveled?  A bag lady comes to mind -- and that's an insult to your average, respectable bag lady:  

More shots of our finance minister and "esteemed" deputy minister:

How can a minister of The Crown comport herself like this?  No wonder Canada is a laughing stock on the world stage.


A night out at the local hotel here in Cochrane exposed me to this:

All I can say is, I better keep swimming.


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