That's what the woke are doing. They're plundering history to remake it in their biased eyes and that's wrong.
These people cause problems. |
The latest to remodel a university is, of course, Concordia -- a regular hotbed of hysteria and nonsense. Just read that academic history is now to be replaced with one that de-colonizes and indigenizes the current curriculum and pedagogy.
That's just dumb. Apparently, all history -- ALL history -- will now be taught using an Indigenous lens, which will, of course, forever warp and blur the truth. The woke are now using history as a political resource and everyone -- except me -- is applauding it. Either that, or they're petrified to speak up against this dangerous distortion of the truth.
When you open Concordia's website, the first thing that comes up is the Otsenhakta Student Centre -- not the university itself, no the Indigenous Centre. Shame on Chancellor Jonathan Wener and President Graham Carr for allowing this to take over the school.
The other feature of Concordia is the mega-apology issued to the (deep breath) LGBTQ1A2+ gang. I have a suspicion past president Alan Shepard has his mitts all over this one because he himself is gay and it was under his watch that Queerness was celebrated and pushed to the forefront of the entire school. The latest Concordia apology reads as follows:
"As we marched among our Montreal community for Pride this past weekend and celebrated queer joy, we want to take the time to acknowledge and once again reaffirm the importance of fighting for the LGBTQIA2+ community.
"At the CSU, it is our mandate to always do our best to support and uplift marginalized communities. But we need to acknowledge that, too often, we have let you down. We have allowed for a hostile and unsafe environment to be created and have not done enough for the LGBTQIA2+ students that needed our support. Particularly in regards to transphobia, we have allowed harm to be inflicted upon trans and non-binary students.
"During our own meetings, and particularly over the past year online, we have not intervened enough when slurs, stereotypes and inappropriate laughter were too often heard, not just when discussing topics of gender identity and sexual orientation.
"Moreover, certain non-verbal actions, like eye rolls when people are speaking about their struggles, have been enabled and made possible by our own systems in place. We have let things slide, used the excuse of ignorance and people simply needing to be better educated, and not held ourselves accountable when LGBTQIA2+ students have had to resign due to a space that perpetrated harm.
"This letter is meant to be one of the first steps to change (sic) that. We are aware that apologies are not enough. Simply acknowledging a mistake is not enough. We cannot expect you to see that as enough and immediately feel safer about entering CSU spaces. No, we need to take actions toward regaining trust."
Quite apart from how poorly it is written, it is an over-reach of gargantuan proportions. Can we not just get on with teaching and learning? Why have universities allowed themselves to be taken over by the inmates, who push divisive agendas? Indeed, far from unifying a student body, these initiatives further divide and erode on many levels.
The scourge of your average university. |
I'm glad I went to university when things were normal and your sex life was your business. Nobody gave a shit.
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