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Friday, August 2, 2024

More folly

Wildfires are ravaging BC and parts of Alberta.  The latest town to be consumed is Jasper.  I put the blame squarely on the provincial government, under Jason Kenny, that shuttered 26 fire-watch towers in the boreal forest.  It also cancelled the helicopter fire-fighting rappel program and did away with a large number of forest ranger positions, leaving fire management to struggle with only a skeleton crew spread thinly across the province.

Watching Danielle Smith literally crying about Jasper, with Harjit Sajjan standing beside her while she vowed the town will be re-built, I wondered what the good people of Lytton were thinking?  Remember them?  Three years ago, fire completely destroyed their town and what did politicians vow?  Why, re-build, of course.  

So far, nothing much has happened and people are still waiting to return.  Three years later!

What a joke.

Frankly, instead of sitting here typing, I should be packing an emergency bag to be ready to evacuate on a moment's notice.  We are in the same vicinity as these fires and yet, I live in lal-lal land, convinced nothing will touch us here.


On another note, what did I say about soccer coach John Herdman?  Exactly.  He's now been outed as the guy who began the drone spying on soccer rivals -- the same guy who was "shocked and surprised" about the whole scandal.  What did I say?  I said Herdman might as well resign right now because he was finished. 

Espionage czar Herdman
As I said, he could not even look the camera in the eye when he issued his vehement denials.  Bev Priestman?  She was his protegée for several years, so guess where she learned her trade?  Memos are now being dug up in which Bev expressed her anger that some staff were actually refusing to use drones because they found it morally wrong.  That's how normalized it had all become.

Now, if they had a category for cheating in the Olympics, that would make for some interesting competition!


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