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Friday, August 2, 2024

The jig is up

Ford and GM are halting production of EVs.  So is the heavily-subsidized Omicore EV battery factory in Southern Ontario, which is being halted.  One factory is being converted to producing big gas trucks because that's where the demand is.  And on top of all that, almost 50% of all EV owners are switching back to gas.  

So, there we have it.  EVs are too expensive for the average consumer.  When Elon Musk gets out of EVs, you know they're doomed.  Take that, Stephen Guilbeault!

Guilbeault, you will recall, is the lunatic who announced a ban on gas-powered vehicles by 2035.  As if!


But a word about a family wedding last weekend to which B and I were told we could not attend.  He is merely a second cousin to the groom, but several of his aunts and first cousins were also uninvited.  Why?  Because the groom's mother, B's cousin, is toxic and fights with everyone.  

B's sin was to keep in touch with her ex-husband after they divorced.  B and the ex had been friends since before she married him, but the fact that he chose to remain friends with Alex meant he was struck off the list of invitees.  In fact, when we have lunch with any of her children, they have to sneak away and not tell her.

Why is it that one toxic member of a family rules the rest?  That's wrong.  What do they say, you are only as sick as your secrets?  Well, there are a lot of sick people in that family and all because of one person -- the one who is actually the sick one.

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