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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Money for nothin'....

....and your chicks for free.

That 'Dire Straits' line applies perfectly to Canada's futile, virtue-signaling money drops into so many sink-hole countries. 

Africa is one of the worst examples.  Take Monkey Pox.  That scourge has taken hold in the Congo because of negligence -- not my assessment, the assessment of a recent WHO report -- speaking of the pot calling the kettle, by the way!  And what did Canada dump into the Congo last year?

$207 million!

Where did it go?

Who knows??!!  But we should ask President Felix Tshisekedi.  He's squirreled away $24 trillion?!@%!@#%$!!  I'm serious!  No, seriously, I'm serious.  His people are dying and spreading disease all over the world and he is sitting on $24 trillion!!!!!

Trillionaire Tshisekedi.

You could not make this up.

Now, cases are cropping up in Canada and all over the world.  We, in Canada, are fools.  Here's just a fraction of the dough we are throwing down the toilet in just a few countries in Africa, while our own veterans are living rough on the streets:

  • Ethiopia            $206 million
  • Afghanistan      $201 million
  • Bangladesh       $194 million
  • Sudan                $183 million  
Would not this money be better used to help the thousands of fentanyl addicts living and dying on our own streets here in broad daylight?  Or the veterans struggling to subsist?  

We are so badly governed. Sickening and so wrong.  

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