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Saturday, August 10, 2024

Won't publish this letter

'The Globe and Mail' won't publish the letter I submitted below.  I am referring to an editorial about how debate decorum has fled the House of Commons:

Dear Editor,

Nevermind basic decorum in debate, how about physical shoving on the floor.  In May, 2016, NDP MP Ruth Ellen Brosseau was physically manhandled and elbowed by Justin Trudeau, who crossed the floor twice to accost Ms. Brosseau in an attempt to remove her from the House of Commons.  Ms. Brosseau actually had to leave the chamber to avoid further attacks and recover. 

Mere debate pales in comparison to this disgraceful criminal behaviour.  How quickly we seem to have forgotten the depths to which “debate” had sunk during this unbelieveable display of Unparliamentary behaviour.

Nancy Marley-Clarke


If you google it, the video will come up and shows MP Brosseau clearly being pushed and shoved by Trudeau, who aggressively crossed the floor to accost her.

Obviously, The Globe is a very Liberal paper.  Shame on them. 


'The Herald' didn't publish this letter because they said it was "politicizing a tragic death".  That's complete BS.  It was a bad decision -- regardless of which political party made it:

Dear Editor,

How tragic that a young firefighter lost his life battling a blaze that might have been under control sooner, had the government not shuttered 26 provincial fire watch towers in Alberta’s boreal forest in 2019.  They also cancelled the helicopter rappel program, which dropped fire fighters into inaccessible fire areas.  Two years later, more layoffs of fire rangers meant the province was left with a skeletal staff.

Had the fire towers been operational, this fire might have been spotted and contained earlier and his life might not have been lost.  Climate change may contribute to forest fires and loss of property and lives, but the government is accountable for how it manages fire fighting that led to this sad event.

 Nancy Marley-Clarke 

May that young, 24-year-old, brave fire fighter rest in peace.

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