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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

And you're not invited...........

He sent one of those annoying "undisclosed recipients" e-mails, which I hate in the first place.  I mean, you don't know in whose company you are?  Is it three people or three hundred?  To top it off, it was a Christmas we-did-this-and-we-went-there-and-we-ate-that-and-we-drank-that boring missives.

Like anyone cares?  It was a missal about his Christmas Eve dinner, to which none of the "undisclosed recipients" had been invited.  He waxed on about what he and his girlfriend ate, what they drank -- a ton-- what they did, where they did it, how long the feast took to prepare...and on and on it went for.....paragraphs.  Hey, did he think the rest of us were having peanut butter sandwiches for Christmas dinner?!

Two people consumed 17 "important" wines from his "cave".  Alcohol poisoning anyone?  Seriously.

I am not a wine snob.  I drink respectable plonk, but plonk it is.  I buy the local fare and if I purchase a case I get one bottle free.  Yay.  I think I pay about $6 each.  One friend, who isn't a wine snob and who hadn't seen the bottle when I took it out of the fridge, raved about it over lunch the other day.  And believe me, she could afford $1,000 per bottle -- at a minimum.   

I hope the former boss, of whom I write and who now lives "abroad", takes me off his "undisclosed" list so I won't have to digest his ridiculous ramblings about "amuse bouche", et al.

Thank G-d I am retired.  No one has power over me and I now get paid to stay home. 

As I enjoy a bottle of "plonk" in my nightgown at home, I wish all my readers a Happy New Year! 



  1. Perfect - just bloody PERFECT. Happy 2015 to a great broad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I'm with you Nancy. Cheers to you and B.


  3. Thank you for a year filled with interesting blogs.
    You continue to give us something to ponder upon.
    Have a wonderful New Year - All the best to you, B,
    Susanne, husband, munchkins, Reid and Hillary .God Bless - you set the bar!!!! Barbara.
