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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Sex in a canoe?

Apparently Ontario is the sex-in-a-canoe capital of Canada.  Fourteen percent of all upstanding citizens of that supposedly conservative province have had sex in a canoe.  Next is B.C., but far back, where seven percent of residents have bobbed and tipped getting it on in that vessel.  This compares to the least edgy provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan where only two percent of folks have indulged in such risky behaviour. 

These are a couple of weird facts I came across the other day in The Herald.  All were absolutely fascinating.  Here are a few more:

Married couples without children?                       Nova Scotia is tops at 53.8%
Percentage of singles?                                           Nunavut, 25.3%
Litres of beer per capita?                                       Yukon, 125.2%; fewest beers per year, Ontario at 70.7%

Number of marijuana users?                                  Ontario, 4,386,897; fewest is PEI at 48,886

Daily cigarette consumption?                                Quebec, 15.6 (no surprise there, Quebeckers love to smoke)

Annual total of Kraft dinners purchased?              Ontario, 40,611,406

Number of Tim Horton's?                                      Ontario, 1,858

Top baby names across the country?                      Liam, Emma, Ethan and Olivia (G-d I hate those names!)

Charitable donations?                                              Alberta at $2,316 (impressive); Quebec the lowest at $660 -- even lower than Newfoundland, $906, with a much smaller population (guess they're too busy smoking.)

So, a few facts to bore people with at your next dinner party. 

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