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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Calgary's Best Dressed??!!

The local magazine today featured 'Calgary's Best Dressed'.  They have got to be kidding!  Here are a couple of complete messes:
Do you think she could combine any more stuff?  And you never wear black stockings with white shoes.  Never.

Another jumble of madness.

She, however, is gorgeous.  Note the shoes, which match the necklace, which matches the bracelets.  You have to anchor an outfit and just let a couple of items do the talking.  Perfect. 


  1. Re: Sharie Hunter. The only thing missing to prove she dressed in the dark is a white cane and a seeing eye dog.

    Not only are they black hose, they are black fishnet hose. To top off this dog's breakfast ensemble, there is a phrase on her sweater.

    "Confidence"?? Seems to me like she couldn't make up her mind so she wore it all. Are there no lenses in those bristol board cut-out glasses?

    1. The only way you could have seen the fishnet stockings is if you had seen the magazine. There is not enough detail in the picture I took of the picture itself. But yes, they are hideous, as is she.

      No wonder I am always the best-dressed woman whenever I go anywhere in Calgary!

  2. Re: Chenlu Qiao. I've seen worse outfits... like on Sharie Hunter... however her comment strikes one of my pet peeves in today's Politically Correct English.

    “A stylish person doesn’t spend a lot of time fussing on their outfits. They dress for themselves, not for other people.”

    "A" stylish person... as in one single stylish individual. So from where did the rest of the group arrive? "THEY dress from THEMselves"??

    "He dresses for himself." is correct. In this case, "She dresses for herself." would be acceptable.

    ESL may be an excuse for Ms Qiao, perhaps even for Antigonish's Nicole Halloran (grin). As a featured quote, this should have jumped off the page at an editor worth HER salt.

    1. People are illiterate. I would have written: "A stylish person doesn't spend time fussing with his/her outfit. He/she dresses for him/herself." I know it's awkward, but that is the correct way to say it.

  3. By the way "Gordon", I have tried more than once to comment on your blog, but you have put too many roadblocks in there. I have no clue what you require for someone to leave a comment? Dumb.

  4. While in your posted photo you were careful to crop out the name of the magazine, it was easy enough to find its online edition. I was able to see the cover picture in all its hideous, fishnet, glory.

    I double-checked my own website, on my desktop computer and on my phone, to see if something was awry with my Comments section. My Captcha - 'prove you're not a robot' - is quite different from yours.

    After typing your comment, enter your name and email address (will not be published) in their boxes. Under that there is a simple math question. Enter in the box the missing piece of the equation, then click on the "Add Comment" button. Your first-time comment needs approval; subsequent comments post automatically.

    I'm flattered that you occasionally check me out!
