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Friday, April 29, 2016


The young woman on my right had attended a panel on which Margaret Sinclair/Trudeau/Kemper (take your pick) was talking about mental illness.  I was supposed to have attended, but couldn't face the woman and her breathtaking narcissism -- which her son has sadly inherited, by the way.  "OMG," said the young woman.  "She's still totally crazy!  I thought she was supposed to be better?" 

The woman listening on my left, who had been a nurse in the Montreal hospital to which Margaret had been admitted over the years and treated her, added, "Totally.  Must be off her meds."  We were at a Concordia alumni function last evening and naturally the talk turned to Trudeau-the-younger.  I just googled "narcissism" and the description reads, among other things:
  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance,
  • Requiring constant admiration,
  • Having a sense of entitlement,
  • Thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal, and
  • Valuing yourself more than you value others.
That's definitely Justin, but more so Margaret.  Justin and our kids used to play in the same soccer league and I have spent a not insignificant amount of time talking to his mother on the sidelines -- although she wouldn't remember me because everything was always about her.  Justin seems unaware he is the Prime Minister of Canada.  Just completely oblivious to the grave economic situation this country faces.  It's all show biz and selfies.  Hey buddy, how about stepping up, hitting the office now and then and running the country?!  And to traipse out here and luxuriate in Kananaskis at great expense is a slap in the face to every struggling Albertan.  Harper had his first cabinet meeting after being elected at the Transport Training Centre in Cornwall, for gawd's sake.  If you've ever been there, as I have many times, it's perfectly adequate and just an hour's drive from Ottawa.

Someone needs to disabuse him of his dangerous flights of fancy, but I am sure it won't be the dreary and tedious Margaret. 

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