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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

What's up with that?

Why would "Canada's National Newspaper", as The Globe and Mail touts itself, feature a picture of a disgraced, fraudulent crook like Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff on its front page in full colour?!  It's ridiculous in the extreme.  She is being impeached for good reason, but are there not more important Canadian stories to cover on page one?

Who cares in Canada??!!

The Globe is one of the most pompous, left-wing rags in Canada.  It actually used to have a business slant, but sadly now it is wholly left-wing.  No clue why?  (Note to self:  Must research who's running that broadsheet.)  Now I pretty much read it to enjoy the wonderfully brilliant sports writer Cathal Kelly, the obit features and the essays -- the last to figure out why I cannot seem to get one of mine published.  Maybe they google me, read a few of my blogs and decide I am wholly unworthy. 

Speaking of the media, I would really love someone -- anyone -- who is traipsing around up there, covering the Attiwapiskat mess, to actually ask THE BIG QUESTION:  Where has all the money gone?  But of course, this is Canada and no one will.  Go back a few blogs and you will see the numbers I have researched.  Many, many millions have been given this community and yet they have the nerve to ask of the-sky-is-falling-officials, now wringing their hands and running all over the place, why they continue to live in third-world conditions?  Talk about native leadership ducking responsibility and passing the buck!  It's a disgrace and their leaders should hang their heads in shame. 

 Reading the many weeping letters about this tragedy, I get very annoyed no one seems to do any research on the hard financial facts?  I get mine on google in about five minutes; you'd think reporters who get paid handsomely to find them would dig a little.  But they don't. 

Why do natives not ask their own leadership what has gone on and where the money is?  Why does not one reporter mention a few factual figures?  In my mind, the answer to the whole mess remains:

Move away.        

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