The imported violence was bad enough during the inauguration ceremony yesterday, but today's Women's Marches take the cake. Ladies, the world is not all about you and your being "offended" all-the-time-about-everything-and-anything-everywhere. Trump's election was about the millions of disenfranchised Americans in all their misery: inner-city blacks, the unemployed, the displaced, the poor, the downtrodden and a host of other non-feminists who don't have time to man the barricades, so to speak. These kinds of things take place when a society has secured a food source; I guess larders are full.
The American people have spoken and Trump is your president. By the way, did you all not vote for Hilary because.....because.....oh, I don't know, because she's not the kind of woman of whom you approve? And by the way, of whom do you approve? I still haven't figured that one out? Were you all Sanders' supporters and refused to vote for Hilary on principle and are now left with the booby prize? Look in the mirror, ladies. As a Canadian governed by a Parliamentary democracy, I cannot imagine that kind of disrespectful, and basically ineffectual, spectacle taking place here.
The best thing someone said about the march was that at least no one was shot and killed. "They only do that during non-election events, when they kill school children," I noted. I know, I know, not kind.
Before I continue, let me qualify. I was in the original vanguard of the women's movement in the late sixties and early seventies. Come to think of it, Gloria was right there raising the roof alongside us, until we all had to get on with earning a living and raising kids, while Ms. S morphed into a privileged harridan (I'll get to her later). I have supported myself and worked all my life, raising two children and two step-children, while forking out considerable sums to the latter's "liberated" mother, without child support myself. Notwithstanding, I have never identified as a "feminist" because I am much more than that.
Watching coverage of the various indignant marches today, I didn't see too many glaringly-poor women, but I did see a whole bunch of rich celebrities who could afford to take time off. Gloria was raving on about how she celebrated pro-choice, being a woman and women's rights. Gloria, we've been on about that for almost 50 years and last time I checked, I can do or be anything I want. I wondered what she was doing sporting that limp, dyed blonde sixties hairdo and not the natural grey that lurks beneath the L'Oreal? Talk about not aging gracefully, I mean, the woman's 82! And as to "pro choice"? I'd bet there's a chance she might have been aborted had her own mentally-ill, incapacitated and abandoned mother had the opportunity. As the child of an unwed teen mother myself, I am sure I would have been. (But that's a story for another blog on existentialism.....someday.)
As predicted, all the young, privileged, liberated women at the pool this morning were decrying "that evil pig" Trump's victory. Women such as I paved the way for women such as they and yet they have no clue the choices they have were forged by our resisting a very strong male establishment backlash.
So ladies, buck up, get back to work and accept the president you either deliberately, or by default, elected.
Saturday, January 21, 2017
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