....of the consequences, they still come in the thousands. Watching "Immigration Nation" on Netflix, I am dumbfounded that hundreds of thousands of Mexican, Central and South American illegals keep flowing across the border into the US with nary a concern for the fate of their families. What is really disturbing are the infants and toddlers they bring with them who are immediately taken from their parents and placed in holding facilities. And I'm talking infants.
Who would do this? Obviously, thousands. However, unlike those who stroll into Canada illegally, many are apprehended at the border and immediately placed in custody, i.e., jail. Here, we simply let them in, process them and ask them to be good boys and girls and appear before a refugee tribunal when called. That really worked perfectly, didn't it. Right now, Canada has lost track of 50,000 of them. Good work and good luck finding them!
In the US, those who escape immediate apprehension go into hiding for years, working illegally until they are caught. By the time that happens, however, they have ensured they have had a couple of American-born kids, hoping that will mean they can stay. Doesn't work -- especially with Trump in power, who has sworn he will deport all illegals. People, countries have borders and processes for a reason. Otherwise, entire continents would simply empty out into the US and Canada, which seems to be happening anyway. On the other side of the Atlantic, the entire continent of Africa is attempting to empty out into Europe.
The reason Canada isn't too keen on processing them is because they can still vote. All you need is an address and photo ID. When you show up at a polling station, they don't cross check to see if you've shown up at your immigration hearing, so you just cast your ballot and disappear again. And guess who they all vote for? That was a rhetorical question.
In the US, such illegals are represented by vocal and active champions who hold rallies denouncing and attacking beleaguered Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents -- officers who are only doing their jobs. When they show up to deport an illegal, there is a tide of weeping and wailing when someone is taken away. Never mind that up to 90% of those deported have been convicted of a felony. That, apparently, is irrelevant.
What does disturb me, however, are those illegals who have served with distinction in the military, like the Marines the series followed who were to be deported. These gentlemen were brought illegally to the US by their parents as children, but have grown up in the US. Don't know what questions the Marines asked when they were recruited, but these guys fought in Afghanistan and other theatres and returned home heroes. Now they are being deported.
The sight of them marching in protest in their number one Marine dress is jarring because a more patriotic bunch you could not find.
It's all such a mess.
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