If Jonathan Vance had an affair with a woman outside his direct command, to whom he was engaged and the affair was consenual, what is the problem?!
By that measure, so many people having consenual office affairs should be in jail -- including B because when we started dating 40 years ago, we were working together, albeit he didn't have any direct control over my career.
Just take a look at the smash TV hit 'Mad Men' and you'll see how life used to be at the office. In fact, when I worked for Maclean Hunter in the late sixties and early seventies, that's exactly how it was. And boy, was it fun! No one forced anyone to do anything; you went along because you wanted to, or you didn't. No hard feelings anywhere in sight.
That's why I felt sorry for Jian Gomeshi, who had a consenual affair with a woman outside the workplace who apparently was in complete agreement. I still don't get that one either, which makes me terribly old-fashioned or completely with it. Either way, I believe in free choice regardless of what the sex police and gender lunatics have to say. As for Gomeshi, his life and career have been destroyed and that's a shame because I loved 'Q' when he hosted it. I don't now.
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