Have you ever noticed that EVERY interview with, or by, a person of colour ALWAYS bends back around to race? It always does and it was the same with that stupid interview with Meghan Markle. Eventually -- and it didn't really take too long -- she started in about race and Oprah grabbed onto it and went to town.
Race, race, race.
As I have pointed out, there is only one race: The human one. Everything else is cultural or personal decisions. But, hey, if it grabs headlines and let's someone off the hook, flog it! And saying someone wondered how dark the baby would be? So what?! I pondered the same thing. And the minute she mentioned it, Oprah paused -- dramatically -- and incanted, "What?!" By the way, most of the Commonwealth is made up of people of colour, so, as I said, so what?!
Let's face it, Meghan's agenda from day one was to nab a title and get Harry back to millionaire status in California. There's a reason none of her family members, save one, talk to her. She is toxic. And speaking of titles, only those in direct line to the throne get one, so brush up on protocol will ya. And speaking of protocol, after having been married before, why the virginal white wedding? You'll notice that the classy Wallis Simpson didn't do that. But that's what class is all about.
And have you also ever noticed that when natives jump on an issue -- any issue, name one -- they ALWAYS bang on about residential schools and colonialism? Everything always rolls back around these two "issues". By the way, again, without the dreaded colonialism, the world -- outside African where it all began -- would not exist.
No one takes responsibility for what they say or do. It's always "racism" or "residential schools". I'm sick of it.
And speaking of over-blowing things, yesterday we had International Women's Day. Yep, it's Black History "Month", Aboriginal Awareness "Week", but women? We get one lousy day. Again, I seem to be the only person who notices stuff like this.
Ah well, in the long run, we'll all be dead.
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