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Thursday, May 6, 2021

I hope my Michigan friend enlightens me

 Why in Gawd's name is Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer determined to shut down oil pipeline 5 when she knows that it currently supplies more than half of the state's requirements?!  I am sure she couldn't care less that it also supplies 45% of Ontario's crude and more than half the crude refined in Quebec, but the question is why is she doing it, knowing how devastatingly it will cripple her Canadian neighbours?

The line has been bringing crude to Central Canada by way of Michigan since 1953 with not a disaster to its name.  But, according to the genius Whitmer, "It's a disaster waiting to happen."  OK, let it wait.  Apparently, Canada is threatening to invoke a 1977 treaty that would compel Michigan to keep the line.  OK, so invoke it.  

Whitmer has also failed to take into account the colossal increase in ship, rail and truck traffic that will fill the vaccum left by the pipeline.  Estimates are that 800 tanker cars and 2,000 oil trucks will be rolling menacingly through both countries a day -- a day! -- if line 5 is shut.  Lac Megantic anyone?  "This is an aggressive action against Canada's national security," says Roy Norton, Canada's consul general from 2010 to 2014.  "It is a stunningly unfriendly act against Michigan's friend, partner and best customer."  But Biden has chosen to stay out of the fray because Whitmer is a big democratic ally and helped get him elected.  And as for Twinkle Toes Trudeau, we all know he doesn't like pipelines and is determined to continue to bankrupt Canada into third-world-junk-bond-green status.

All Trudeau did when Obama cancelled Keystone XL was shrug.  That line would have brought Western Canadian oil to American refineries and ultimately to southern US ports for export.  We needed that line too, but somehow just benefiting Alberta was a "who cares" moment.  Now, however, when Ontario and Quebec are going to freeze in the dark it's "red alert" time!    

But that's where the votes are, so that's the wheel that gets greased.  Maybe Legault is regretting his banning of Energy East, now that he knows voters in Quebec will be mightily pissed, as refineries shut and gas prices soar.  We all know how Quebeckers love their big, fancy cars. 

Just to help matters, natives in Ontario have now come out in support of Whitmer.  Well, of course they have.  They don't seem to have figured out that the bags of money they are handed comes from pipelines, duh!  Oh wait, they probably have, but who cares!  They get their "money for nothin' and their chicks for free".


Thanks to our inept "leaders", Canada is no longer even a country.  Instead, it is a collection of self-centred regions.  All very sad. 


Note:  Asked my friend what she thought.  Haven't heard a peep because she is a loyal Democrat. 

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