The reason Trudeau is holding off on calling an election is because many of his rookie MPs -- including a number of ministers -- do not have the seven years in required to collect a pension. Ah, that's what it's all about!
No longer do people run for Parliament on principle. No, they run to get lifetime money. Don't know why it took me so long, but the penny finally dropped. He's also counting on the fact that his baffling lead in the polls will hold until the seven years are up for his buddies to collect. Then he'll call one.
And as long as O'Toole leads the Conservatives, Singh is effectively a Liberal, Blanchet sticks to his one-trick-pony agenda and Paul remains irrelevant, Trudeau is safe. The myriad and piling up of scandals seem to escape the mindless public, who will still vote without thinking or doing any research whatsoever.
That's democracy for you. As Churchill said, it's a very poor form of government, but it's better than anything else.
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