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Sunday, June 6, 2021

No way

So, the World "Health" Organization is asking Canada to donate doses to poor countries.  The WHO is the same organization that did nothing about anything while the virus was spreading around the world.  This is the same organization to which the incompetent Tam belonged and did nothing to warn Canadians we were in danger.

Why are these countries begging for vaccines?  Because they're poor.  Why are they poor?  Because they are corrupt.  So, no way should Canada give away one dose until every Canadian has had two.  But with Twinkle Toes Trudeau always trying to impress the world with his "virtue signalling", he'll probably do it! 

On another file, what the eff is the incompetent Freeland doing striding around London at the G7?!  She is a complete embarrassment to Canada, as is her boss.  Seeing her smugly marching into a meeting of finance ministers and mugging for the cameras was disgusting.  And the most ridiculous thing is she actually thinks she's doing a great job!

Her "budget" fudged all the numbers -- lied, actually -- because Canada's debt and deficit are much worse than she said.  She's basing Canadian assets on things like the CPP and other pension funds that are owned by people, not the government.  If you can find it, read Konrad Yakabuskie of 'The Globe and Mail', who wrote a great column outlining what's really going on with the money.  Canada is headed to junk-bond status very soon.  

My poor grandchildren.   


Just a note about the special kind of gall and disrespect it takes to name your baby after the Queen's private, childhood nickname.  But Meghan has it in spades!  Shameful.

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