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Sunday, June 27, 2021

Wake up!

Just listened to the uber "woke" mayor of Victoria, Lisa Helps, flagellating herself on the airwaves about cancelling Canada Day.  Lisa Helps was the first mayor to do so, but true to Canadian form, many others are following suit.

Thanks, Lisa, but this is wrong.

Why is everyone weeping and reaching for a hair shirt because of the coverage of the graves found on residential school sites?  Yes, it was tragic, but it happened a generation or two ago, before any vaccines and medicines were available to treat the many diseases that killed them, as well as thousands of non-Indigenous children.  (Notice I said diseases killed them, not people.)  Since then, natives and leaders have been given full and respected voice in this country, along with the health care afforded everyone else, if they choose to apply it.

Canada is a wonderful country, one that millions risk their lives to come to every day.  Although Trudeau is doing his damndest to destroy and divide it, Canada will prevail as always.  So, as well as going along with anything and everything Quebec pulls -- illegally, by the way -- the pseudo "woke"-to-the-back-teeth Trudeau is staying silent on the Canada Day fiasco because that would be very damaging to the middle-of-the-road vote he needs to win.  

I would like to add that much of the abuse was meted out by other native students.  A friend of B's (non-Indigenous) grew up in the north and went to a residential school, where he was mercilessly beaten up and abused by native students.  But that's another fact you will never hear from the lazy media.  Now native leaders are insisting every grave site be designated a crime scene.  Insane! 

So, it's both sides of Trudeau's mouth and full speed ahead!  Frankly, I am going to fly my Canadian flag out my car window because I know it's the right thing to do.


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