1. Why are 40,000 native kids in care? Perry Bellegarde threw this around yesterday in an interview with Evan Solomon, but what he evidently completely failed to grasp was what this said about the parents.
Of course, no one would dare ask this question, because they are shoddy journalists, but you'd think it might occur to Bellegarde that this reflects very badly on the parenting and family support skills of the parents whose kids have to be taken into care. In his mind, it's all the fault of the evil white man. And don't think this is done willy-nilly. It's very expensive to have children in care, so were it unnecessary, it would not be done.
2. Speaking of shoddy journalism, yesterday I actually heard a female CBC "reporter" say, "Prime Minister Ford of Ontario......" I KID YOU NOT!!!
3. Finally, a word about cyclists. I am sick of them behaving like pedestrians when it suits them. You never know what they'll pull next, but you can be sure it will be illegal. They ride on sidewalks and cross at pedestrian crosswalks whenever it suits them. No wonder many are hit. You never know what rule they will flout next?!
Maybe I'm just old, but I remember having to pass a test to get a bicycle licence. We also had to have working lights and reflectors for evening riding. I also remember Elmer the Safety Elephant coming to our school to give us safety lessons, usually accompanied by a friendly policeman.
Ah well, all gone now....sigh.....
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