Firstly, and I have said this many times, Chrystia Freeland's ONLY agenda is the Ukraine, so when I read that Canada, read "Freeland", is considering sending hundreds more troops to that country to ward off Russia, I had to laugh -- in a pissed off manner. Well, of course we are! Defense Minister Anand isn't running that file, Freeland is -- just as she runs Trudeau.
Canada's "answer to the babushka" has been in a fight with Russia for decades, resulting in her being banned from that country permanently. So, she is putting up her dukes to Putin via the Ukraine and, in a moment of complete hallucination, thinks she will get the guy to back off and pull his troops. It is so laughable as to be beyond comment!
Moving closer to home, Her Worship Mayor Gondek is immediately revealing her true colours as a rabidly devoted Dr. of Urban Sociology by voting against increasing funding to the Calgary police force. Well, of course she did! She's a proponent of the ludicrous "de-fund the police" mob. True to form, she also voted for maintaining funding for fixing hail-damaged houses from two years ago. Why should taxpayers cover these people's cheap choice of housing? A) because Gondek's the mayor, and B) because Gondek's the mayor -- that and the fact that insurance companies have dumped their financial accountability into her lap, where she happily accepted it on behalf of the rest of us who had nothing to do with it.
And in another outbreak of lunacy, the head of some Arab/Muslim association or other wrote a column in 'The Globe and Mail' yesterday objecting to all the English street names in Toronto. Last time I checked, Ontario and Toronto were settled by Brits, Scots and Irish, so hello, they gave the streets names from back home! Evidently, either our ancestors should have given these streets Arabic names -- don't die laughing, please -- or the city burghers should now immediately change a bunch to Middle Eastern names to reflect all the immigrants living in Toronto. I wonder how that would work if I went to Saudi Arabia and demanded a few streets be re-named "MacPherson" or "Somerset"?
It's total madness and psychosis!
Sticking with the psychosis theme, apparently femicide is up in Canada, due to the pandemic. Well, of course it is! Force family members who often hate each other to stick together for two years and you're going to get more people killed, women being the easiest victims. Did we really need someone to do a hugely expensive study to tell us that?! Guess so!
After saying he regretted the actions by some in Catholic residential schools (most committed by older students, but let's not dare bring that up), the ever-put-upon Pontiff will now be invaded by a group of 30 chiefs and "survivors" in Rome demanding a formal apology. If Francis is rationale, which at times he appears to be, he will point out that schooling decisions were made by governments of the day and delegated to the Catholic bishops who built and ran the institutions. I mean, how could a guy in Rome be expected to decide everything in every country to which missionaries travelled?! But that won't deter Fontaine and gang from trying it anyway -- Fontaine for the second time.
And speaking of survivors, aren't we all? If you went through a school, worked and made it to middle age, you're a survivor. But "survivor" is a much more charged and sexy word than "graduate", so survivor it is. My other question is, why are native leaders only travelling to spank the pope? What about the head of the Anglican, Lutheran and other churches that also ran residential schools? No lashings for them?
More scary news, Canada has the worst carbon emissions in the entire G20. This is scary because Justin and his cracked sidekicks will use this to ramp up spending and debt even more to try to shine on the international stage. No wonder Climate Barbie quit, it all went to hell on her watch!
Now an American Indian group has written to an Australian rugby club to demand it change its name because it contains the word "chief". OMG! What has become of everyone??!!
I see that Wayne Eyre has finally been confirmed as chief of the defense. The reason it has taken so long is because the vetters probably had to search out and interview everyone he had ever worked with to be sure no nasty, ghastly skeletons lurked in any hidden closets. Happily, General Eyre has come out clean -- unless some female underling suddenly remembers his brushing past her in a crowded elevator.
In another "I told you so" moment, I read that a professor of community health and epidemiology at Dalhousie University is calling for answers on why Canada was so ill-prepared when the pandemic hit. Remember those days? No PPE, faulty logistics, capacity shortages, problems with data quality, lapses in risk assessment and process, lack of integration of surveillance information and no viable or tested emergency plans. That was how "prepared" Tam and Hadju left us.
"Canada's risk is much, much lower than that of many countries," assured Tam when she addressed parliamentarians in January, 2020 -- in spite of the fact that she sat on the WHO committee who evaluated the mess and knew all about it! Predictably, Tam's response was to "address identified shortcomings by incorporating learning from the pandemic into its (non)plans and test them as appropriate within two years at the end of the pandemic."
Who puts out that sh-t? What does that even mean? My editor, the late Mrs. Jean Portugal at Maclean Hunter, would have immediately dropped that back on my desk and instructed me to turn it into comprehensible English. But not today. Today, gobble-de-gook and bafflegab are press-released as covers for f-ck ups and incompetence. And two years after the pandemic ends?! How will we know it has ended? Wow, that'll be a big help! With all the variants now popping up, it doesn't show any signs of ending, only growing stronger. By then-ever we could all be as dead as the Aztecs and Incas who probably suffered the same fate.
So, folks, rest assured, we're in good, safe hands. Not!
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