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Friday, March 3, 2023

Breathtaking ignorance

I'm talking about the CBC, you know, the public broadcaster funded by the taxpayer.  Had the news on in the kitchen a few minutes ago -- I know, I know, I should not be watching the dreadful CBC, but I was wearying of the coverage of the irrelevant Murdaugh case -- and heard a reporter talking about Charles III's upcoming coronation.  

"Monarchists in Canada are concerned about the lack of announcements about celebration plans for this event," said anchor Lois Lee to a reporter in the field.  "Well," this dunce replied, "Canadians have other things on their minds these days, like the price of food.  So, I think the government is not going to focus on the coronation, or do much about it.  And remember, Charles is not as popular as his mother was."

OMG!  And Lois, obviously as ignorant as the reporter, did not even question him.  

The Monarch is Canada's Head of State!  He cannot be compared to the price of a head of lettuce, or to his late mother's popularity.  The King of Canada anchors our entire system of government.  (See "Canadian Constitution 101", Feb. 21)  He's not just some guy in England who's going to be hosting a bunch of parties in May in Jolly Old to celebrate his crown.  These are the honourable symbols of Canadian government:

This is the direct result of the elimination of civics and history in our  dismal "educational" system.  No one has a clue about how this country functions?!  Yes, yes, I know, it doesn't at the moment, but theoretically.  This is also a direct result of Trudeau's horrific attack on Parliamentary government and his silencing of all MPs.  He has concentrated power in his office, which is now run by the Kids in the Hall and his other drinking buddies.  Duly elected Members?  Who cares.

I hope the 'Friends of the Canadian Crown' and the 'Monarchist League' start to yell bloody murder at this disgraceful state of affairs.  Someone, besides me, needs to start yelling at the top of their lungs.  Someone needs to give the CBC a good public flogging because Charles III is not a head of lettuce.      

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