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Monday, March 6, 2023

"That's not Santa.....

....that's Mr. Stapley because those are his shoes."  That's what I said to my mother during a kids' Christmas party at our church.  Mr. Stapley was playing Santa, but I didn't buy it.  He may have been dressed up as Santa, but those were his shoes, so that wasn't Santa.  I was about three.  

On another occasion, I was shopping with my Dad when he bumped into someone he knew and stopped to chat.  About six, I stood quietly and listened to their exchange.  "Daddy, that man is so stupid he doesn't know he's stupid," I said when we parted.  Turns out that one holds universally.  I mean, if you're stupid, obviously you can't realize it.  (At six, I didn't have the capacity or empathy to qualify "stupid".  I just used that general word, so don't everyone get offended please.)

Evidently, powers of observation emerge early, which is why I enjoy 'The Behaviour Panel' on YouTube.  These guys analyze every gesture made by public figures and it's fascinating.  Panelists Mark Bowden, Chase Hughes, Scott Rouse and Greg Hartley -- all experts in the field -- pick apart body language, speech inflection, gestures, eyebrow flashes, brow furrows, word choices, wardrobe, hand gestures, foot movements and a million other body movements that give away whether someone is lying or not.

According to their observations, Megan and Harry are evidently huge strangers to the truth.

I have refrained from blogging about these two bores, but when 'The Behaviour Panel' weighed in, my opinions were confirmed.  Harry has been seduced on all levels by Meghan and that's a huge problem because she is behind his thrashing of the Royal Family.  Thrashing the Royal Family means you're thrashing the British government, constitution and the monarchy itself.  You're not just whining about your family, you're attacking a system of government.  Wrong.  

I'm very surprised they have apparently been invited to the coronation because that will turn it from a solemn, religious and holy ceremony to a cheap side show.  Charles should have second thoughts there.   


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