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Thursday, March 30, 2023

Something's very wrong here

Tragically, another Canadian police officer has been killed by someone deranged.  Sgt. Maureen Breau, a 20-year veteran of the Quebec Provincial Police, was stabbed responding to a call about a local lunatic -- a lunatic who had been charged, release and charged again over a number of years, but who had again been released.  

What's mind-boggling was that as this heartrending coverage of Sgt. Breau's murder was all over the airwaves, several Quebec unions were on TV raving about racism in police forces.  I was dumbfounded!  Did these members think their "racism" beefs trumped the murder of a fellow officer!!?? 

Guess so.

Why is the only agenda of people-of-colour race?  As I keep saying, we're all the same race:  Human.  The protesting officers all have great, well-paying jobs -- for which they applied and dearly wanted -- yet, when they get there, they focus solely on "racism".  How about postponing your press conference and focusing on the tragic murder of Sgt. Breau?  The juxtaposition of the two events was jarring.  It was as if these complainants were in a parallel universe!?  Someone needs to make them attend a course on PR 101.

As for the scathing report on the RCMP's disastrous handling of the worst mass murder in Canadian history -- the days' long killing rampage in Nova Scotia during, which 22 innocent people were gunned down by another lunatic -- all I can say is, "Because it's 2018".  

That's what Trudeau declared when he appointed the under-qualified Brenda Lucki as commission of the RCMP.  I have blogged about her many times.  She was parachuted in over the heads of several more senior officers solely because Trudeau wanted a woman in the job -- regardless of qualifications.  

How'd that work out, Justin?  It didn't.  Having snuck a peek at the draft report of the inquiry into her mess, Lucki quickly "retired", otherwise she would have been pummeled in a stockade in the public thoroughfare.  Report coverage of the tragedy is devastating.  It lays bare the incompetence of the once-revered RCMP, an organization that needs to be brought down and re-built from scratch.

Lucki's appointment mirrors another "Affirmative Action" disaster that is Theresa Tam, Canada's chief officer of public health.  After SARS, Tam was appointed solely to ensure Canada would be prepared for another deathly virus.  In fact, that was her only mandate.  But after cozying up to, and getting in bed with, the Chinese and the World Health Organization, Tam sat back and did nothing, while COVID laid bare her incompetence.  

She and Lucki have much blood on their hands.  In fact, both should have been fired, charged and jailed for the deaths they caused.  But thanks to Trudeau's "Because it's 2018", they are still collecting bags of money.

Another blow to women.  Tam and Lucki should be in jumpsuits:

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