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Sunday, March 26, 2023


Before I get to the above, I just have to scream about two guys:  Sure Health and Steve Ranson.  Every time, on every program I turn on, there they are.  They make me insane!

I remembered I had blogged about the Sure Health loser a while ago.  Checked and it was back in 2018 (see, 'Can't Stand Them', June 17, 2018) !!!!  On that blog, I also lumped in Kurt Browning, who was shilling for Chip at the time.  All admiration I had for him went out the window when he started that.  Here are the Sure guy and Steve:  They need to GO AWAY!  

There's another ad on the radio here voiced by the store owner and it's also terrible.  Why do proprietors insist on appearing in their own ads?  They're bad actors and cringey.  That's another store I'll never frequent.

Anyway, back to misogyny.  Apparently, this photo prompted a fb contact to call me that:

I said that Notley needs to freshen up her unkempt look, trim her unruly hair and keep her roots dyed, if she insists on remaining a "dyed blonde".  She is campaigning to be premier again and this is not a professional look.  Do they affect her ability to do the job?  That's another question.  Based on her performance last time around, she was a disaster, but these comments were apparently "misogynist" in this fellow's books.  

As you all know, my opinions and comments are never gender-based.  Many are aimed at women in the public thoroughfare, but as many are also directed at men.  I know many undiscerning people support women just because they are women.  I don't.  I also don't care what your culture is, be it Black, Asian or South Asian.  We're all the same race, the human one, so I can never be racist, just as I cannot be misogynist when I criticize the performance of a woman.

So, let's get that one out of the way.  Let's focus on issues and competence.  But to be honest, the self you present to the public says everything about who you are and strive to be.    




1 comment:

  1. First, if I hear another Sure Health ad, I may do something dangerous!
    Second, I watched a Facebook video of celebrities fighting, arguing or otherwise making fools of themselves on television. Most of the examples were from The View (🤢🤮). The insufferable and deluded Whoopie told white Rosie O'Donnell that she could not define racist because she was not qualified to know what racism is. How misogynistic, ridiculous and tragically racist SHE is.
