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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Don't 'ya miss Larry?

Larry King used to have a variety of guests.  One night it would be Jane Fonda, the next Bill Clinton, the next a vice-president, the next Sharon Stone, the next Judge know, variety.   

With Piers Morgan, his insupportable replacement, it's gun control, politics, anti-gun lobbies, hysteria and oh yes, gun control.  And did I mention politics and gun control?  It is such a boring, boring show now.  And the guy can't shut up.  Asks a question and then gives an opinionated two-minute preamble before he permits (maybe not) the guest to answer, cutting him off if he doesn't like it.  As I type, he's in the process of constantly interrupting Dick Morris, former advisor to Clinton, who has a more than a few interesting things to say.  Nevermind, Piers talks over him with verve.  He gets on a hobby horse and simply can't get off!

Don't start thinking I'm against gun control, of course I'm not.  America's gun culture is insane.  It's just that there must be something else for Piers to rave on about. 

Most evenings I tune in, hoping against hope that he might have someone interesting on.  But never.  There was a petition to have Morgan deported, stupid idea I know, but I would have supported it.  As Larry says, "he talks too much."  Amen.

I'm going back to 'Mrs. Doubtfire', a movie of which I never tire. 


  1. Piers Morgan is insufferable!
    A media whore who is more interested in the sound of his own voice rather than anything any of his guests have to say.
    He reminds me of being stuck beside a bore at a dinner party who tries to convince everyone he's interesting by behaving like a knows-it- all.
    Yes, I do miss Larry...

  2. And the guy is a bum! He was behind all the phone tapping that went on in Britain when he was editor of one of the tabloids. So far, he has evaded imprisonment by blaming others. Please.

    Yes, haven't we all be stuck beside bores at dinner parties. Not to blow my horn (but I will), after being begged to sit at this table or that at a few parties, I said, "Hey, pay me to entertain you, if you want me to sit at your table".

    What could I charge?
