February 1, 2013
Dear Editor,
Premier Redford summoning “big thinkers” to an economic summit to tell
her what to do about the province’s fiscal mess? Isn’t that what we elect
premiers and governments to do? We don’t need another “conversation”, we need
bold action.
Nancy Marley-Clarke
Premier Redford’s ever-changing strategies and announcements to fix the
province’s fiscal problems remind me of what the White Queen declared in ‘Alice
in Wonderland’...”Why, sometimes I believe six impossible things before
Nancy Marley-Clarke
February 22, 2013
Dear Editor,
What most people don’t realize, because the schools don’t teach it
anymore, is that any major change to the Senate – such as doing away with it –
would require an amendment to the constitution. That gargantuan task would in
turn require unanimous agreement among all the provinces and territories. And
even with that impossibility, they would have three years to change their
minds. Never going to happen. As to an elected Senate, welcome to complete
gridlock. Just ask our American friends to the south how that’s working for
Nancy Marley-Clarke
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