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Thursday, March 7, 2019

Still in charge

After the debacle, fiasco and sideshow of how the three Musketeers remain unable to handle the mess they have created, one can only conclude that yes, 'The Kids in the Hall' are still in charge.  Every, single one of them has made this worse every time they have opened their mouths.

But watching Scheer hold press conference after scrum, it's clear he is hobbled by his inability to say one extemporaneous word with any conviction.  He reads from prepared scripts with his dimples and smile at all times, which is very ineffective and bears no reflection on the gravity of what he is trying to rebut.  He can't seem to get one spontaneous sentence out -- regardless of the myriad of opportunities handed him.  A HUGE disappointment which leads me to believe with so much time ahead of the election, Trudeau will squeak in, perhaps with a minority.  So, so sad and destructive for our country.

But I wanted to point out two very important facts:  Kevin Lynch, the former clerk of the Privy Council, was recruited as a top corporate executive by guess who?  SNC Lavalin!  And guess who was deputy clerk to Lynch before he left?  Michael Wernick, that's who!  So, guess who's been directing Wernick to do SNC's bidding?  That was a rhetorical question.  That's why SNC was able to secure so many meetings with the PMO and the PCO.  That, my friends, is huge in this affair, that the former clerk now works for SNC.  Talk about to high heaven! 

The other little fact is that SNC was given a huge bailout by a Quebec bank on the condition it remain in Montreal until at least 2024.  So, all the BS about 9,000 jobs and leaving Canada was just that, BS.  Again, no one looked into this little nugget.

And speaking of lost jobs, who cares about 9,000 when we in the West have lost 100,000!  It's an unconscionable outrage.  They should all be fired. 

And what about poor Mark Norman, being stymied at every turn for months trying to get emails and phone records pertinent to his woeful case?  He still can't, but somehow Butts could in a matter of days?!  Peter McKay is always good and said this morning that they were condescending to Wilson-Raybould by suggesting she needed an outside opinion, that she wasn't really up to the job and needed help. 

It's all a mess and Trudeau just made it worse.

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